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Sill Brush


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Recently started using a sill brush on all my jobs and am now thinking why I haven't before now. They are great, bit heavier but do a cracking job especially at cleaning upstairs sills obviously, great spread of bristles over the glass. Very happy, may look to swopping all poles to sill brushes, have used the gardiner one which was ok but bit stiff. The flocked from gardiner was good but the best at the moment is the xline sill brush I got pencil jets as the rinse bars seem ok at first but then start to squirt in different directions after a bit of light use. 

Honestly think you get a better clean, compared to the lighter brushes. bit like going back to the old days where I used to use a vikan sill brush and a streamline n tech pole, really heavy but the glass got a great clean

Yes same here. I have a collection of brushes and always go back to sill brushes after a while. Just prefer them. 

I've been using them for ages. Also had the angle head thing with a sill brush on. Makes working so much easier.

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Cleans the sills better than a rectangular brush without a doubt, the blokes you are on about are probably money men. Going like maniacs to fill the pot, hence green sills.  :1f602:

I must be the odd one out.  :1f603:  

I've just sold a nearly new Gardiner's flocked sill brush.  I could not get on with it at all.  It just felt all wrong on the end of the pole and even more so on the glass.  I much prefer the feel of a dual trimmed brush.  I'm currently using a Gardiner Xtreme Natural Hybrid brush.  The natural bristles scrub really well.  I find it ticks all my boxes for maintenance cleans.  If I need any more scrubbing power I pop an Ultimate Medium mixed or flocked on.  I also don't have a problem doing sills with them either on ground and first floor windows. 

i was not keen on the gardner sill brush i found the jets were to high the brush just did not fiel rite to me ive not tryed the xline tho but im restrected to 200g or less now with brushes so the ultmate and supreme are my number one choice for glass i never had a issue with sills to be fair i just adjust the angle to swipe them clean 


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