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I have a customer which I've only ever tradded... she had new windows fitted three years ago, and the sills have long scratch marks. I've only ever wiped the sill with a cloth. It must be a manufacturing problem.
I seen loads of these caused buy wfp mostly the quick boys that use extreme brushes , the light and fast cleaners which saddens me as people think were all like this
Using a toothbrush style brush can cause scratches on the sills. i had new windows put in 3 years ago and sills were fine. I noticed after a few cleans that sills were scratched o upstairs sills. I now use a sill brush and have no problems. When I ha e cleaned the sills now, I cant really notice the scratches. When they get dirty then I do notice as the scratches collect the dirt. My advice is to use a sill brush and yoh shouldnt have a problem. Make sure the plastic part of the brush doesnt touch the plastic.
I picked up a bungalow as previous cleaners had scratched all the sills plus damaged gate . If you are worried about scratching sills put some self adhesive Velcro around edge of brush stock .