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Start out with trolley system and small ro tank?


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I live in a shared house, but have a small shed thing I thought of getting a 60 litre RO tank, just for a few firstb floors I do. I only have a few bungalows on Sat at the moment and do ground traditionally. I am worried that if get a big RO system my landlord won't like the hose pipe going into my shed for hours and the waste coming out (he doesnt know I clean windows traditionally). I guess with 60 litres it shouldnt take too long just 2 hrs every 3 weeks. For my small round that should do. Anyone recommend a trolley system?


i know nothing but i not got a lot of money and this set up was the cheapest full system i could find...i like the trolley...does the job great...i uprated the pole one section...its a bit bendy and the clamps look cheap but its a start...as for the ro i too scared to set it up yet.i uprated to a pumped system...but i will soon set it up..very fast next day delivery../emoticons/biggrin.png

as also mentioned on here somewhere if you can get your hands on clean rain water its a great start...and free....just divert a downspout...very low ppm

The RO system needs an electric socket nearby?

Would all this fit on the back seat of a car? With two barrels?

Was thinking of getting four foot poles so they fit in car as well.

ahh no its getting transferred to the barrels and muggins here reckons he can carry 25litre barrels to the car...i am not so sure after trying to lift my 16litre backpack...:eek:er they may not actually contain 25 litres...water is very heavy...

yeh the ro needs a power supply for the fitted pump which makes the ro more efficient..so i have been told...

yeh the pole fits in easy enough....but beware ..da pool of water that may leak out of your brush pipework...:whistle:
