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Starting again 😁


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Hi everyone hope you are all OK. I had a window and pressure washing business for a long time but due to ill health I had to give up seven years ago.
I am looking at restarting now I am well but unsure how to start.

I am looking at getting a government start up loan ( 5% annual interest rate ).
Is there still window cleaning work available ? Silly question I know, it's just having low confidence being out of the game foe a while. Any advice you could give me would be gratefuly recieved.
Thanks in advance ☺️
Hi everyone hope you are all OK. I had a window and pressure washing business for a long time but due to ill health I had to give up seven years ago.
I am looking at restarting now I am well but unsure how to start.

I am looking at getting a government start up loan ( 5% annual interest rate ).
Is there still window cleaning work available ? Silly question I know, it's just having low confidence being out of the game foe a while. Any advice you could give me would be gratefuly recieved.
Thanks in advance ☺️
Hi and welcome back , if you have done it before ime sure you can do it again. I don’t know your area or how many cleaners are there but you have the benefit of experience, try a bit of canvassing to see what the demand is like , let us know how you get on
Hi everyone hope you are all OK. I had a window and pressure washing business for a long time but due to ill health I had to give up seven years ago.
I am looking at restarting now I am well but unsure how to start.

I am looking at getting a government start up loan ( 5% annual interest rate ).
Is there still window cleaning work available ? Silly question I know, it's just having low confidence being out of the game foe a while. Any advice you could give me would be gratefuly recieved.
Thanks in advance ☺️
My very best advice is the following:

1, Is there a demand for your service in your chosen area

2, how saturated is your area with other cleaners competing for the same work

3, don't spend a penny on equipment until you can guarantee you'd have the work and money to. Support yourself as it's easy to spend £6k on new kit and have nothing to use it on

4, if you get a loan you'll sign yourself up for high stress and worrying about being able to meet the repayments

5, could you not work for someone else to see whether your fit enough to do the job, see if you still have the burning passion for it and also retrain and refresh
Welcome back, how much you spend depends on what type of window cleaning you want to use. Traditional, I don't need to tell you you can set up for as little as a couple hundred quid. I've window cleaned for 44yrs and have never had a van, a set of ladder racks , ladders and your off.
If you're going for wfp again you don't have to spend a fortune, I built my collapsible trolley system, including my Gardiner SL-X25 pole, for about £700. I bought a Astra estate car to carry my 7 25ltr drums of water, that I got free of charge from IMO car wash. I use it all day every day.
As regards the availability of work I can only agree with the other guys, get out there and see what's available.
I wish you all the best