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Submersible Pumps For Ibc Tanks


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Ive got one of these dirty water pumps. After a rise in tds i decided to dismantle the pump to see if there was any parts to contaminate my water.
I found a large metal piece that had rusted so i wire brushed it and wrapped insulation tape around it. So i filled a bucket with pure water and sat the pump inside and kept checking the tds. After 4 hours the tds was 10. Major fail.

So now il looking for a purpose built pump and looking forward to the price tag that comes with it
The pump I have in mine ibc tank has made a rust stain around where it sits, been in business there for a year and only cost me around £40. the water in the tank is always 000ppm, so might be something else that's causing it to rise,

you can get a filling nozzle for your hose just like a petrol pump, we use them £15 plus vat, so much easier, you can lock them off also so you dont have to hold your hand on the trigger

Yep we have our pumps on remote /emoticons/biggrin.png

We also have a disco ball that turns in with the pump so noody forgets about it lol

Yep we have our pumps on remote /emoticons/biggrin.png
We also have a disco ball that turns in with the pump so noody forgets about it lol
Why would u need something to remind them not to forget about it?
Hi rc I took your advice & went to get this pump today as I have same problem, but it measures to big to go in my ibc tank?Does anybody know if ibc lids are all the same size? they are 5 & half inches on my ibc tanks, thanks

Hi rc I took your advice & went to get this pump today as I have same problem, but it measures to big to go in my ibc tank?Does anybody know if ibc lids are all the same size? they are 5 & half inches on my ibc tanks, thanks
I cut a bigger hole in the top of my tank to get it in,

That explains why it don't fit then lol

I already have a massive petrol Honda pump which is an over kill & fills tank up in like a minute, problem is I have 2 ibcs one 12 miles from the other & with my bad back is to much to be lugging in & out!

I picked a good one up for a tenner at car boot sunday so next plan was to cut the lid off as didn't pay much for the tanks anyway, thanks that sorts that one

No problem, let the pump sit in pure water and change it several times to make sure it don't contaminant your ibc water! Then rinse well with pure!

The pump has been left on before
oh right so its not from the ibc tank to the van then.

my remote turns my transer pump on and of when filling my van tanks from my ibc. im standing there so dont need reminding

plus got auto shut off valves fitted on ro system so when tank is full everything shuts off.

so can turn it on and go away for a week and it will turn off with no one being there, tank full when i get back and no water over flowing everywhere

Are there submersible pumps available that would be powerful enough to pump harvested rainwater from a 1000 litre IBC tank through a DI vessel and into either 25l containers or a van mounted tank?

Would someone be able to point me in the right direction if there is please? :rolleyes::whistle:

You can use a submresable pump that transefers ro water via inline di tank/s to a van tank no problem using half inch hose. You just have to remember though the quicker the water flows through the resin and the higher the tds is on the imput side the less chance it has to work and the quicker the resin will be exhausted.

I can't remember the extact ones I use a have had them younks but they have a high flow rate which looks something like this without the float cut out. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Draper-Submersible-Dirty-Water-Pump-5-Metre-Lift-7500-L-H-Max-Flow-400w-240v-/141517050604?pt=UK_Home_Garden_GardenEquipment_HandTools_SM&hash=item20f312d2ec

The downside to using half inch hose on a subpump the van tank will take much longer to fill.
