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Sudden high reading


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Just been out to check my water. It’s reading 039 before d.i!

pre filters were changed 4 weeks ago and membranes 2 months ago.

Reading before d.i lately has been 009.

My system is in my garage which is part of the extension of my house so freezing isn’t an issue.

Any of you guys having high readings since the cold snap started?

Other than that, any ideas?

Didn’t check that, good thinking.

Ive turned it off now so will check it tomorrow ?

I was wondering as it’s so cold, is the water that cold from where it’s travelling from that it’s effecting the purification process?

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I live in west London and my TDS after RO has gone from 15 to 23 in the last week.

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Think I’ve just sussed the problem.

My waste tube from R.O goes into a pipe which leads to a drain. The pipe, I think, had frozen so the waste water wasn’t running away. 

Poured boiling water over the pipe, turned on my system, 008!

Mine as slightly gone up tap from 290ish to 340ish after ro was 008 now 011 can only put it down to **** weather.

Think I’ve just sussed the problem.

My waste tube from R.O goes into a pipe which leads to a drain. The pipe, I think, had frozen so the waste water wasn’t running away. 

Poured boiling water over the pipe, turned on my system, 008!
Glad you found out what it was as would have put your resin bill up.


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