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Top window vents


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Advice and tips really appreciated on cleaning Windows with the vents in. Concerning me a lot this area?

Do you stay clear of them or still clean them etc. Please advise. Thanks again all

Top vents , I clean by turning the water off and going left to right over the top of it a couple of times . If you are regular it nearly always clean .. First cleans .. Me I get my ladder off and handball them then next time there are cleaned by the first method ..

me stay clear....:eek::eek::eek:

I know most give em a thorough scrub on the first clean and hopefully they will be okay but I just dodge em.

well okay as I am trad too and I NEVER clean sills wfp l wipe em when I whip my ladder up to check the results and clean the sills....I dont do this every time depends a lot on mood and of course...

in winter its dark....:rolleyes:

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i clean most but some arnt wrth the hastel best way to start is clean all the tops an rinse an scrub the vents then once u have done them go bk to the first an shake water off brush and give the vent a swipe with the bristel or rap a scrim round brush an wipe then then clean glass once u get the first clean done they dont give probs with runs

Hi,I get them really clean first clean and get it out the. I would clean it hard with water and then the rest of the frames and glass. Then move on to next window. I would then come back and put a cloth on to a unger trad pole and dry it over and under it, its clean and then mainly dry. I will then clena the rest of the window and not rinise over top frames or vent, comes out perfect for me, i see so many houses cleaned by WFP and the vents ruien the window look, not good enough to miss it in my opinion. Good luck.

I just use my sill brush like most have said just very quickly. Be careful though I've knocked a few off in my time, they can be a real pain in the arse the fix if you snapped a clip.

Top vents & top frames I don't really find a problem if cleaned carefully/properly. The trick is not to go squirting water in to them or knocking them off with yer pole. Sames goes for window frame drainage hole covers as when old can break and/or you can knock them off. Also end caps on sills can come away too if not careful.

Good old frank is learking so watch out /emoticons/biggrin.png

Advice and tips really appreciated on cleaning Windows with the vents in. Concerning me a lot this area?
Do you stay clear of them or still clean them etc. Please advise. Thanks again all