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Ulimate flock used and new


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6 month used ultimate flock compared to new brush, this is my preferred brush the overall best brush imo.




Yes ultimate flock just worn down the old one is wet the new one is dry, the old one done endlessamounts of first cleans lol

That's some wear but sounds like you've had your money's worth out of it so far and looks like it's got some way to go yet. Mine have only been used on maintenance cleans, other than the odd first clean so look nothing like that. Plus, during the autumn whilst there was a lot of debris from the trees and wind combined on many of the frames and ledges, I switched to an Ultimate med soft as I found the flocked leaves some of the muck it picks up from the frames on the glass making rinsing more time consuming.

I've got quite a few leaded windows on my route so I'm back with the flocked again now.

I fancy giving the med soft a go in the future, I just don't like the superlite med mix it feels like hard work compared to the flock, looking gardiner brush guide the flock isn't a hardwearing brush I can live with that as it does a great job with minimum effort, I do agree with the debris especially as I do a lot out in the sticksbut a quick flick across the brush head normally sorts that for me.

I fancy giving the med soft a go in the future, I just don't like the superlite med mix it feels like hard work compared to the flock, looking gardiner brush guide the flock isn't a hardwearing brush I can live with that as it does a great job with minimum effort, I do agree with the debris especially as I do a lot out in the sticksbut a quick flick across the brush head normally sorts that for me.
You'll find the Ultimate Med Soft glides over the glass a lot easier than the flocked. Feels like it's sliding on ice. This can give the feeling like it's not doing it's job. However, it is and it takes some of the effort out of it. It is great on maintenance cleans and is good with hot (40 degs) water, but it is a mono-filament brush so care needs to be taken with leaded windows.

My brush got truly loaded with muck really quick during the autumn which is why I switched to the Med Soft. I was having to grab the bristles by the fistful and try to pull the muck out of it. I'll have to try the flick across the bristles you mention next time

Think you have sold me on the medium soft now lol, it was your recommendation with the ultimate flockthat made me change from my other brushes, I really don't like the fan jets you use though much prefer the pencils.

I can't guarantee you'll like the UMS Den. What I reported is my experience with the brush. It's largely a matter of personal choice for much of what is available in the way of brushes. For example, to date I really can't get on with the Gardiner's flocked sill brush. But I know others love it and use it for everything. I didn't like the red fans jets either when I first tried them, but when I'd tried several others and gone back to pencils for some time I decided to give them a go again and found this time around, with an adjustment in my technique that I got on with them really well. It's the same with the Q-Loq swivel attachment for the brush. First time I tried it I hated it. I would be without it now.

Think you have sold me on the medium soft now lol, it was your recommendation with the ultimate flockthat made me change from my other brushes, I really don't like the fan jets you use though much prefer the pencils.
I have just switched from the ultimate flocked to the medium soft ultimate and it's does glide over the glass a lot quicker.

I like using the flocked for first cleans and the medium soft for maintenance cleans

Yes I know what you mean I don't mind the flocked sill brush great for first clean especially windows with deep frames but I do prefer ultimate flocked I turned the fan jets up but still didn't like them compared to pencils which I think rinse better, maybe with the right brush and rinsing on instead of off I might prefer.
