Hey guys, the last few months, I am constantly getting upper back pain, like the middle of my spine, very painful. It’s there all the time. I feel the cause could be from when I’m looking up cleaning top windows or when my pole is at full reach or just the strain I put on my back from when I’m moving the pole at high reach. Does anyone have same issue or had, and has a solution? I really like my job but this constant back pain turns me off this work as I’m in constant pain every day with it.
PR No1 see your doctor
Do some research on NHS site for upper back pain I know for lower back there’s a bunch of strengthening/conditioning exercises to do regularly - it focuses on the muscles causing the pain - just like any athlete - they regularly do stretches/strengthening exercises etc - they do this to run a ~2hr marathon etc. We work 7-8-9 hrs day 5 days a week for months back to back (pun intended) so it’s crucial to exercise those muscle groups worked the hardest ie the back. You need an exercise routine - think about footballlers they have so much back room staff keeping them tip top - and get instant help if the feel a tweak etc and most are kids/young men. We’re not
It’s manly and sensible to care your body - thereby you can care for your family/self
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