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Van contingency plan


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All my work is also very local......my plan would be to arrange to store as much as I could at certain customers garages then take everything round the night before in wife's car.....then nice stroll round in the morning......free clean for the customer of course.

I use to run old **** vans and found it cost more to keep them on the road then too pay for them monthly from new < I now have 25kish sat doing northing at all times so I can go and buy three good second hand vans and fit them out in under 3 days if needed as it would cost 1000s in lost work if I didn't have a good stand by but ive been lucky to have a wife that understands this and we shifted this money a side when could

however I am lucky that I can afford to have this stood around not all people can , what I use to do is have a credit card on stand by again this is not the best way forward as it costs way too much money to start using them but if I had to keep the vans rolling I wouldn't think twics about bugging 10k on it to buy a van if needed its far from the best way but if your vans sat in the grage with the engine in bits , they cant fix it for three weeks and you losing 200 aday on missing out doing work it can really get you down

ive had many night mares like this when we started running in at dhl , we had just 5 vans out a day in the early days and ive seen me walk into northgate and buy a old shape smiley transit back then they were only three years old on the card , tax it at the end of the road and send it in to dhl to start work the same day due to one of the other being smashed up ,or because one of the lads have run the engine with out the oil in it , and it bought us time again we could of just hired them but you sit and work the cost out of having a van on hire for 6 weeks while a insurance claim get sorted its not funny at all

if your wife needs a van then pre fit it with wfp? fit in permently a controller behind the seats , fit a pump there as well if you like then when your in a rush its just a ractit strap and two pipes put on , a quick suck on a pipe to get the air locks out and your off and running in less then 30 mins ?

we have all been there where the bills are above your head and there no where to turn somehow you just manage robbing peter to pay paul we even still have to do it , ive seen me give the lads there wages out of my fund money because of paying a load of bills , ordering new gear , then a clutch dies on a van , the custmers haven't paid due to being xmas or the six weeks holidays and they say its great being self employed

I have just had 2 weeks without my van due to gearbox oil seal killing the clutch. 5 weeks before that the turbo blow. Fortunately I have a backpack and 8 jerry cans with my ro in the shed meant I could still work. I have a Ford Galaxy sat around doing very little most of the time but it's earns its keep when this happens. If you can afford a spare van/Mpv would recommend it.

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There's a company down here in Devon that has about 5 vans fully kitted out with wfp gear, ready to rent to anyone that needs. Good idea that I think.
