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Van systems


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Morning All,

I'm have an established round, looking to purchase a van system to make my life easier and faster.

In your opinion, which is the best brand for quality and performance.

IONIC seem to tick all the boxes.

Morning All,

I'm have an established round, looking to purchase a van system to make my life easier and faster.

In your opinion, which is the best brand for quality and performance.

IONIC seem to tick all the boxes.

Ionics stuff is very well made but expensive if buying secondhand you will probably get a bargain . Pure freedom stuff is also quite good @Part Timer has a couple of there systems I believe, I know a couple who have x line and they don’t seam to bad either
Morning All,

I'm have an established round, looking to purchase a van system to make my life easier and faster.

In your opinion, which is the best brand for quality and performance.

IONIC seem to tick all the boxes.

At the end of the day it's a plastic tank with some pumps attached. As long as the controls and pumps are good, and the frame is sturdy, any of the leading systems would do. I have a 12 year old, Pure Freedom, 650l tank still in operation, with original controllers, pumps have been replaced.