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Water tank over filled soliniod not worked


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Just gone to my shed to check water level in tank and water soliniod had not turned water off . Checked it out emptied some water and seems to be working now could it be the cold weather. Frost or ice . Thanks. Mark

Just gone to my shed to check water level in tank and water soliniod had not turned water off . Checked it out emptied some water and seems to be working now could it be the cold weather. Frost or ice . Thanks. Mark
Is this the first time it hasn't worked? I think most solenoid valves would be "normally off" meaning that once the switch has cut the current the solenoid valve closes. If its worked before then the fault could be a failed micro switch or dirt on the seat of the solenoid valve.

I would start at the water level switch. Is it tightly secured in the tank? With the tank full, is there still power to the solenoid valve by checking with a multimeter? If there is power then the problem is at the switch. By taking it out you should be able to operate the solenoid valve on and off by moving the float level. If you can operate is then it needs adjustment to switch off at the right level. Or it could be a failed micro switch. Maplins should have a suitable replacement if it is.

If the water flow is less or there is water flowing but with no power at the solenoid valve, then there could be some dirt trapped on the valve seat or the valve operation has failed in some way.

Getting to the root of the problem will need a process of elimination.

That happened to me a couple of years back. I drilled a hole near the top of the tank, stuck a length of half inch garden hose through it, sealed it with silicon then put the other end in a 25L barrel. In other words an overflow.

It turned out my valve was mullered
