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Weirdest request ever


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Being colour blind drunk helps does it?/emoticons/biggrin.png

At least the pebbles look good :thumbsup:

hey he wants flowers he gets flowers...i could live off what he spends on flowers for inside his house every week....actually ...i do get them out of the compost bin and give them the wife.....dont tell her....well i am cheapncheerful after all....

yeh but what about my own garden...come to think of it what about my own windows....and no the hob still hasnt been cleaned...well it cant get any dirtier..:rofl:

I'm begining to think you're saving the carbon on yer hoob to make yourself a wfp:rofl:

That's shocking Beccy.:eek: I would bouncing off the walls if that happened to me and sent a strong letter to the Scottish government. Ironically some parts of Scotland you apparently don't need a license as the local council can't afford to run it which makes matters worse in your situation so is a good angle to try to get your money back.
I've tried all the angles lol, even had my local councillor on it and she's really good but tbey wouldn't budge /emoticons/sad.png the neighbouring council only charge ninety something for their licence and people come to my town from there with their cheap ass licences and pinch my work grrrr!

Excuse the short replies & typos... Typing one handed whilst entertaining a toddler /emoticons/biggrin.png

Well you know what Scots are like parting with their money. :eek:

It's still outrageous though how some Scottish councils act as I bet if all window cleaners in Scotland marched on government house covered by the media they would have to listen surely as that licensing thing is a farce?

I've tried all the angles lol, even had my local councillor on it and she's really good but tbey wouldn't budge /emoticons/sad.png the neighbouring council only charge ninety something for their licence and people come to my town from there with their cheap ass licences and pinch my work grrrr!

Excuse the short replies & typos... Typing one handed whilst entertaining a toddler /emoticons/biggrin.png
I've climbed in windows myself for people who were locked out, a few times - never thought about the burglar side of it till I read this!
ive done it before too - once only and ended up running from one room to another as his "gorgeous puppy" was chasing me

Years ago I heard of a scumbag broke into a house and the dog calmy let him in then cornerd him in a room until the owner got home. Maybe the poor thing was hungry or something. Either way the scumbag ***** himself with fear as was a german sheppard trained police dog on his day off /emoticons/biggrin.png

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I've tried all the angles lol, even had my local councillor on it and she's really good but tbey wouldn't budge /emoticons/sad.png the neighbouring council only charge ninety something for their licence and people come to my town from there with their cheap ass licences and pinch my work grrrr!

Excuse the short replies & typos... Typing one handed whilst entertaining a toddler /emoticons/biggrin.png

and so i went to get my pebbles with a nip down the a50 to the garden centre....road closed....its like the only main road after the motorway....a four mile trip later i came out to road closed...around again and out to road closed....sod this i shot past the signs and made the garden centre....on the way back the drive was nice and quiet...never saw a soul ...no workmen to be seen...bloody councils line up against the wall....been down it today...nothing changed...what a bunch of ....

and the neighbouring council licence shouldnt cover your area....i do wander every year when i get the council tax bill....why...what for...:gush:

I hope that chap paid you for the extra hassle & fuel used to get his pebbles?

I nearly got beaten up a while ago with my passing comment "standard council workers joke" as I walked past a council house that was having its roof replaced. 8 council sub contractors were stat down in the front garden having a rest watching one still working on the roof. /emoticons/biggrin.png

I like this council workers joke best /emoticons/biggrin.png

"There were two fellas working for the city council, one would dig a hole, the other would follow behind him and fill it in.

They worked furiously all day without rest, one guy digging a hole, the other guy filling it in again.

An onlooker was amazed at their hard work, but couldn't understand what they were doing.

So he asked the hole digger, "I appreciate the effort you're putting into your work, but what's the story? You dig a hole and your partner follows behind and fills it up again.

The hole digger wiped his brow and sighed, "Well, normally we're a three-man team, but the bloke who plants the trees is off sick today!"

I had another one today would you belive it...."Hello are you the window cleaner as I've locked myself out" wtf /emoticons/biggrin.png

Just had a call asking if I worked in town so being on my guard I said no as what sounded like a young lady was a bit distraught. Then I asked why? She then went on to say “I’ve live in a first floor flat and locked myself out. The window is open so was wondering if I could borrow your ladder.” My reply was “does anyone have a spare key you can get.” She says “N0.” I then said “best you call out a locksmith as is very dangerous for anyone to attempt to clamber through a window that high up.
I do hope she does calls out a locksmith don’t you?