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Wfp ain't for me


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I was trad 8 years before going wfp, and I was sceptical about it and put it off for a year or two, when I finally took the plunge I thought hmmm this is quite good actually...
....1 year later and I couldn't recommend it highly enough, it opened doors that never would have been open with just trad, and as smurf said, it adds a massive boost in revenue, and opertunitys,I've picked up several offices blocks and commercial buildings being wfp, I can't imagine life without it now!

2-3 years later and I now say it's a must!! I'd give it a go if I was you OP! If you don't like it, you can always go back to trad... I still use trad on probably 30% of my round at least, it still has its place.

And this is coming from a guy that used to slag off wfp for years...!
And how would a tradder do a set of solar panels in 10 minutes using a ladder, mop and blade? :rolleyes: That's fifty quid he'll never earn :whistle:

I am happy doing what i do..especially taking on work for people unhappy with the useless wfp guy round here lol

Shame he has poisoned a lot of peoples minds against it in this area as it must have an effect on neighbours and friends etc as if i went wfp i wouldn't get them as customers

Offering both is a good idea

I am happy doing what i do..especially taking on work for people unhappy with the useless wfp guy round here lol
Shame he has poisoned a lot of peoples minds against it in this area as it must have an effect on neighbours and friends etc as if i went wfp i wouldn't get them as customers

Offering both is a good idea
thats exactly whats happened in my area [who he was i will never know must be yrs ago] but folk have become poisoned by their wfp experience and have very long memories .

I have the same around here. Luckily all the people I have gotten are very compact from it too and I think there is more to come.:thumbsup:

Yeah tolish i have a good few custys together as were all part of his round

I haven't deliberately taken any of his work but I started doing a couple who had binned him and then neighbours etc saw me doing them and approached me

I don't think the guy cared as he went ages before turning up at jobs and went missing for a couple of months

No one has seen him since christmas now

Yeah tolish i have a good few custys together as were all part of his roundI haven't deliberately taken any of his work but I started doing a couple who had binned him and then neighbours etc saw me doing them and approached me

I don't think the guy cared as he went ages before turning up at jobs and went missing for a couple of months

No one has seen him since christmas now
I've not tried either. But I've seen the standard of his work and its not good. Sills are terrible and any and all bird **** stays where it is until it weathers off. I'm not going to appologise on his behalf, or defend/attack his methods to the custy, I just show them what a proper clean looks like and let them be the judge.

There is nothing wrong with both methods as there are pros & cons for both. Don't get drawn into thinking how bad wfp is as is down to the skill of the user and how well they can do the job same as trad.

If customers are kept happy that is all that counts. I for one now especially awkward 2 storey work and above will not risk my neck for a poxy few quid that’s for sure as some jobs are more suited to wfp than trad. Even when using a trad pole has its limits what you can actually achieve.

At the end of the day we are all in this game to earn a living and not knock either method but it's unfortunate many using either method can't do a proper job for whatever reason.

I myself have won loads of work from trad only cleaners because they have done shoddy work, clambered over pitch roofs, damaged tiles, missed corners etc or just can't do awkward tall stuff so leave windows out. That does not mean wfp is better but just goes to show not all customers think alike as anyone that can use both methods can vouch I'm not talking total bollocks. /emoticons/biggrin.png

yep...me just won a load of work off a traddy....he had been doing it for thirty years...but...why o why would you leave the panel by the front door untouched...oops.

...and as for the very black drip marks left all over the white pvc...dont think they wanted the job anymore..still...out comes banana in the rain on wednesday.../emoticons/biggrin.png

nah I can slate polers too....as me hybrid.../emoticons/biggrin.png

did one for the first time wfp and it gave me heart attack nearly...thankgod for my magic tay tay cloth...

there are only two ways to get really clean windows...one is squeegee and one is wfp.....but....

both can be easily cocked up....I just blame frank...

I'm betting your banana wfp pole has earned you a few bob more too @cheapncheerful

yep...me just won a load of work off a traddy....he had been doing it for thirty years...but...why o why would you leave the panel by the front door untouched...oops.
...and as for the very black drip marks left all over the white pvc...dont think they wanted the job anymore..still...out comes banana in the rain on wednesday.../emoticons/biggrin.png
yep I cant live without it for sure and of course listening to the wise blue one as well.../emoticons/biggrin.png

how can you do first dirty cleans without wfp?

now if I could just have more pure....

Van mount maybe then you can call yourself a proper wfp window cleaner and can splash it about to your heart’s content /emoticons/biggrin.png

it would be good for sure mr smurf...running around and pulling the bloomin trolley over and trying to scrimp on water isnt good on wfp..

I am doing frames a bit at a time so I am getting there...

looking forward to seven flats on wednesday in the rain....

bit scary though as it may be a bit of a druggie den....one kept staring at me through the blinds....:eek: all the blinds on seven flats were shut...hmmmmm still if anyone annoys me....banana will come to my rescue...ya wouldnt want that on your head.../emoticons/biggrin.png

I've got a job just like that where I frighten all the old folk with me pole as can't be arsed to trad the 2 storey blocks of flats. /emoticons/biggrin.png

They look out the window quite puzzled as they think it's raining again until they look down at me waving me stick about. Bless em:laugh:
