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well...actually ...very well....and i havent even fitted my di yet...so working with a pureish of 5ppm.

i was lucky...the money was in its usual hiding place and never anyone home till late and i have done the job for a while...

the windows on the front are very recent...and now to put in my two pennys worth..

i have tradded them only using a clean scrim and maybe a window spray cant remember as that depends on conditions as the frames and glass were new they have only had a wipe over with an old scrim.....

the big important thing is ...no soap ever used...

i poled the lot and it used my full 16l from the backpack...just running out on the lower patio doors...but ...i have no bloomin control over water flow what so ever and on its minimum setting it is pumping out far too much..

and being a sceptical traddy...i got of my ladders and inspected every window afterwards...

there were very very few water marks on the windows....and i mean very few hard to see maybe hidden in the very corner of the very small diamond lead...after they had dried...

this is a point for da smurf....there would not have been any soap residue as i have never used any...and the windows were cleaned by a first time wfper on the most crappiest cheapest system i could buy...

the results were great...

however....and cause i gotta get my post count up...dont tell gav tuffers.....:thumbsup: part two...doesnt quite go as well....

after that i was in quite a bullish mood with my new fangled equip....the next job ...i didnt bother....but the vicar of dibley..or congleton...well ...his missus said there was a bird strike on the one above the conny....

now i am a very good conny roof walker...these roofs have to take a weight of snow....so spread over two bars i have been conny roof climbing for many a year...

okay ...i have nearly :turd: myself a few times too...especially when after blading the window the water has dripped on to the nice dry roof bars and i begin slipping and a sliding bepop a hiding...oops...almost singing...

its not a good idea...and i have some sense as i would not walk on one as i considered it too fragile...

and so the vicars wife did not like me going up there and kept saying ...even though i had done it countless times before....its very dangerous....well of course ...it would help ...if she opened a bloody window for my to hang on to...

but them days are behind me now ...i older and wiser and much more smurfified these days....

now as you know ...wfpers....conny ones can be a bugger to reach correctly...and i havent got a gooseyneck as i think thats what i need...not really sure but i will keep reading....

and really i would have liked to have worked off my ladder on the conny and then reached across but i decided to do it off the ground..

i sneaked my kit around and set it up and ventured out my pole...now bannana, as it is now fondly called, as it is yellow and of course very bendy.....snuck up to the window as quite as a mouse....and off i went...

only to see a little old ladys face pointing madley to where the bird impact was...er i aint blind love...and i really really didnt want:specs:specs:specs..but i had to continue...and as i moved around the conny spraying water everywhere bendy followed and had to go at full stretch to reach the rest of the window...and of course now she had fetched her vicar husband:specs:specs:specs

anyway i got the bird strike off easy and would have liked a lot more time scrubbing and rinsing but i didnt like the audience..so i lay my kit down the side of the house and not wanting to push the wfp too much on a custy carried on trad to clean the conny...i was fully expecting them to come out and check out my newfound kit....

as i was cleaning the conny i was worried about bannana and his box getting nicked so i had to go and move them back into my line of sight...i didnt bother to move banana as i dont think anyone would want that...

finished off the conny ta mr taytay again for my new cloth...:thumbsup: and went around to find the vicar at the back door and they both said how good it was...but then the vicar led me into his garage to show me his new toy.....and i was trapped...

he has parkinsons pretty bad and so couldnt drive...so out comes his madge chariot.....well i presume everyone watches benidorm as its kinda compulsory...he wasn't that impressed with banana and his box and just chatted away about his new car...davy crockett....it was a frontier model apparently...he still be pretty sharp in his twilight years bless him...or should i say bless me..and i had to watch a full demo of every button ...yawn...whoopee 8 miles an hour...

.ahh so why did my wfp experience go wrong..the point of this post believe it or not...its alright ...the small ronnie was my dad...i digress..used to love his 5 minute digressions....

i then went to check the windows i had wfp ed as i passed on the front porch and side...:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::gush:

they were a piggin mess....oops...so not so easy this new fangled wfp....sorry but post three comming shortly..

and hopefully the conclusion...but will this particular debate ever end...me ....i like em both but ...read on..

so i tradded over them and was wondering what went wrong...and here could well be a smurfy point...the one above the porch i had never cleaned the top frame...this is something i do normally but....stood on the porch full stretch i could just do the top detailing...no further..and so ....the top frame was filthy...and of course i had bladed these for years and so it could be all the crap and not enough attention and i have heard wfp guys saying the first clean is clean walk clean again...and certainly a lot more rinsing..

anyway headed for home with just enough time to play at cleaning the one above his lordships conny across the road....and yes in the past i have conny roof walked to do it ...and indeed its that one on my web site...nice and quiet no one about i set too and i think i did a fair job...but then it cant have been much worse as i daft but not daft enough to do it that often so it would have been dirty any way..i did the bathroom and of course it dripped all over the kitchen one so i gave that a quick wash over...these are supposed to be cleaned every two weeks by me..and so are pretty clean ...in actual fact the bottoms get cleaned near enough every friday as i only walk across the road..

anyway...i wanted to play on my own windows...and so off i went playing with my new toy, i was hammering off a lot of dirt as my poor windows been left a good while..and then the fun was over...my two 25 litre barrels empty(i think more like 20 litre) and my back pack empty time to fill up again....

inside looking out....its hard to see through the grime of the insides.....not so good....grey spotting quite heavy in places...

i had to cut ze greeks grass....the one with the dodgy daughter...so off i went...and then i nipped across to check his lordships...oh disaster...:eek: that kitchen window was not so nice to look at in the sun...a quick trip to get mr taytays magic cloth and some window spray and it was okay...back to cut the grass at ze mad greeks and i then went to nip over his lordships grass...just as he had house viewers around...i was just saved in the nick of time from leaving some very messy windows behind....

so its a game of two halves...the first house i was well chuffed with....and the funniest thing....

she had the original conny which was a lot bigger knocked down and that one replaced it...

well as stated i used to conny walk to clean that window...i not walking up slate....so as fate would have it i have the only way of cleaning it really...yes i suppose you could with great difficulty trad pole it but it is leadeds we are talking about...and they were of course very dusty from the building work....so i was a lucky boy with my new toy...

so despite two big cock up jobs not counting my own as i dont really care about that..in fact of course i will be out later to play with banana:confused: hopefully to clear up the mess.

had it put me off wfp nope not one bit...its a fun bit of kit and as i always state i am a hybrid i like both ways....er ...thats not a sexual reference by the way...mind you ...you never know til you try it....:eek: ahh post going downhill fast

edit...sorry i cant spell banana..hey think thats right...

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ta tuffers am i nearly there yet my wrists are aching 15:rofl:15 to go mind you hes a sneaky bugger that gav...he will probably fiddle me out of my prize...mind you he busy at the weekends bless him...quick ...next post....maybe a tad smaller...:rofl::rofl::rofl:

and before gav tells me off for over posting i will edit this to say....

another possibility as to what went wrong...

i had two barrels off my new ro...no di yet inserted...and the barrel i tested came out at 5ppm but....i didnt test the other barrel....and that could well have been the first draw through..and the instructions do tell you that carbon dust will get through until it settles down....:rolleyes:

so many easy mistakes using cheap equip and not good methods...but ...i dont give up easy...i have seen something i like...and something which will with time come out a lot more often...i am already thinking bigger bigger bigger...but then again...arent all men...:rolleyes:

and yes ...for those like me that hadnt got a clue how you get pure water..a post will follow on my plumbing nightmare...:eek: hey i dont give up easy...

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We as a company have been using traditional methods since 1989. We have had WFP since 2011 and are now 90 % WFP and wouldn't change it.

I often (As I have today) clean the inside after using the WFP outside on large country houses etc, and can see clearly the results.

WFP works very well. I'm happy and my customers are happy. I have had enquiries and picked up good jobs because we are WFP, and have only lost one customer because we use it.

So for us, WFP is the right choice.

hi spcleaning...yes i think most people dont like change and wfp is a big change but eventually i have a feeling it will all be done that way...i am putting up my trad prices and if they question it..a little white lie....i tell them i cant get the insurance for trad window cleaning these days....and soon it will become true...why take the risks of a person falling off a ladder and the huge ongoing claim against someone knocking over a plant pot...mind you ...dont go near them overhead power cables...:eek:

Hello to you Mr Cheapncheerful,.....When my Father started it was a leather in one hand, a scrim and a bucket. Then the Squeegee appeared and he changed to speed things up. He had the same issues. Customers not liking the change. Now if you pulled up with a leather they would think you weren't professional. Customers expect a squeegee at the very least. I think it's good to be able to expertly use both methods.

When I wanted to go WFP Father was unsure, throwing all the usual issues into the discussion. Cant see the window properly. Wont work on birds mess. They wont sparkle like they do now. We'll loose customers boy.

So we agreed that just a small area of the round would be converted. Once he saw the results. The speed. Impressed customers. He agreed to a complete change over. Unfortunately he died before the change over was complete so he never saw how it would be.

some great points in there...i had forgot the great squeegee change ...now its just taken for granted i did notice something about the pure on the windows it seems to have a magic sparkle about it...but hey what do i know...looking forward to the change though...i will take my time...i want to do some of the out customers for ages and then one day turn up and wfp whilst they are in and turn and say yes ...i have done it like that for years...:rofl:
