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What solution or mix do you use?


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only a small squeeze of squeegee off with a glug of ubik there is no set rule as the ubik kills the suds any way the ider is to be able to soap a pain of glass so its suddy but as soon as u start blading off the suds start to dissapear it just stops cloging of the channel and very goon on finger prints bird cxxxrap

only a small squeeze of squeegee off with a glug of ubik there is no set rule as the ubik kills the suds any way the ider is to be able to soap a pain of glass so its suddy but as soon as u start blading off the suds start to dissapear it just stops cloging of the channel and very goon on finger prints bird cxxxrap
Is this the stuff from screwfix?


I just bought some degreaser from screwfix.

Just tried it on house windows and seems pretty good. It still seems a bit soapy though.

I put in two capfuls of squeegee off in half my bucket (traditional 14 inch rectangular type) and added a 4 squirts of dregreaser after. Does this sound like the right mix?

Speaking of detergents I used to use unger with a dash of washing up liquid for a few extra suds. Problem with unger is that I always got change of direction marks, especially noticeable in the sun. I thought it was my technique but now I just think unger is bad.

I started using squeegee off recently.

I would use three capfuls per half bucket.

My issue with this was that it left the window very dry (I know this sounds weird but I will explain).

Whenever I would detail a window after using squeegee off only, the window seemed to head my cloth and leave hairs. I. I could not fix a mistake in the middle of the glass with my cloth as the cloth mark left behind would look rediculous. So I had to re do the window.

I recently started adding rinse aid and this helped immensely. I could notice the difference straight away. Great shine and no hairs being left behind after detailing. If I needed extra slip then I would add a bit of fairy directly to my applicator. Problem with fairy is that it's extremely suddy, so wiping sills tended to get annoying with all the soap.

I personally prefer to use evover as it gave enough suds, but did not clog up anywhere near what fairy would do.

I'm hoping squeegee off and degreaser is as good as people make out I will use it over the next few days and report back. Getting the mixture right is going to be the hardest part.

I used to like unger in that when combined with fairy it would have a thick texture which would eat through bird and fly crap, and wasn't too suddy. But I was constantly checking windows for change of direction marks. It got really annoying.

Tried gg4, didn't like it. My squeegee would drag across the glass at times and leave marks.

i,m using fairy or ecover but splash of flash adds the slip this forum was full of ecover/flash three years backget great slip with flash
I used flash for a long time mate

It started cracking my hands

Tolish put me on to using white vinegar instead and it had awesome slip with soap and is just as good with grease and muck etc

Now i use just water in the bucket and soap direct on glass or applicator and rub it in which is enough for a good few windows before needing redoing

If i am doing dirty jobs i will put a squirt of squeegee off in the bucket with the water and then soap it as normal

I also have problem with cracked hands have to wear disposable gloves when working but trying "Working Hands" from Screwfix on offer £3.99 a tub seems to be working when I remember to put it on .
