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I used to use original fairy for ages, but as mentioned on here I started using ecover (lemon) which I think is better than fairy in that not so much lather, but better squeege glide.

If windows are really bad I add flash.

Used to add white vinegar but found it didn't do much. Put flash in my ecover now. Used to use morning fresh. That was & still is good stuff.

how are you lads adding it ? straight into the bucket or straight onto your mop ? we add it straight to the mop one thin line

ive bin using ubik2000 1 cap full to a bucket with a good squart of ecover wrked very well ide say beta than ecover an flash /emoticons/smile.png

If only there was a detergent that guaranteed no streaks or marks......the sun today was quite warm, which combined with strong windows meant the windows were starting to dry as soon as they had been washed.....a recipe for streaks.

Lads,there must be something up with your squeegee methods if your getting streaks,it maybe your blade rubber,I can't understand the gliding thing maybe wet up your windows a bit more.need any advice I'm here to help.

Ecover and white vinegar for me. Both very easy to come by, and reasonably cheap, natural and safe. Good enough for me.

If only there was a detergent that guaranteed no streaks or marks......the sun today was quite warm, which combined with strong windows meant the windows were starting to dry as soon as they had been washed.....a recipe for streaks.
When the Sun is out and glass is hot, I mop and squeegee off at the same time (two handed) or use my Wagtail Flipper....no streaks

Lads,there must be something up with your squeegee methods if your getting streaks,it maybe your blade rubber,I can't understand the gliding thing maybe wet up your windows a bit more.need any advice I'm here to help.
Cheers adyspurs. I must admit, If I have to do vertical pulls then sometimes I will get a mark at the top of the window even though I have dried/cut the edge. Its like I have dragged a film of water down even though the edge of the window and my blade is dry. Must admit, I ought to get to grips with the fanning technique.

When the Sun is and glass is hot, I mop and squeegee off at the same time (two handed) or use my Wagtail Flipper....no streaks
I have seen that technique on a unger video. It looks pretty Impressive. Is it hard to master?.

Ecover and white vinegar for me. Both very easy to come by, and reasonably cheap, natural and safe. Good enough for me.
like your dog mate

Cheers adyspurs. I must admit, If I have to do vertical pulls then sometimes I will get a mark at the top of the window even though I have dried/cut the edge. Its like I have dragged a film of water down even though the edge of the window and my blade is dry. Must admit, I ought to get to grips with the fanning technique.
try horizontal pull @mrtaytay

Sometimes I leave 2-3 mil away from the edge of the window. Can be crucial if you don't get it right as can leave marks as well.


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