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Windowcleaningroundforsale . Co.uk


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Well-known member
Anybody know how I contact windowcleaningroundforsale.co.uk I signed up the other month. Then about 2 weeks later couldn't login to my account for some reason. Tried resetting password now it just says I need to pay again. When I've already paid! So I can't get into my account and they are taking £6 a month off me for nothing on my card. Tried contacting them from the website they don't get back to you.
Anybody know how I contact windowcleaningroundforsale.co.uk I signed up the other month. Then about 2 weeks later couldn't login to my account for some reason. Tried resetting password now it just says I need to pay again. When I've already paid! So I can't get into my account and they are taking £6 a month off me for nothing on my card. Tried contacting them from the website they don't get back to you.
Same with me buddy
There’s ‘contact us if you have a problem logging in’ on there but I did that 3 weeks ago. Not heard a thing!
When I get a minute I will organise cancelling the payment to them
Anybody know how I contact windowcleaningroundforsale.co.uk I signed up the other month. Then about 2 weeks later couldn't login to my account for some reason. Tried resetting password now it just says I need to pay again. When I've already paid! So I can't get into my account and they are taking £6 a month off me for nothing on my card. Tried contacting them from the website they don't get back to you.
Hi Matty86 ,
I put a round up for sale with them but nothings happened and can't contact them so I've found this site which is much better I think. Luckily I didn't pay as I was selling .their site kept saying they were trying to sort out technical issues but it's been goin on quite a while now
Same with me buddy
There’s ‘contact us if you have a problem logging in’ on there but I did that 3 weeks ago. Not heard a thing!
When I get a minute I will organise cancelling the payment to them
Yeah pretty much same here. Seems like they do it everyone then. Feels like a scam site to me. I've frozen my card for online payments at the moment until I can contact the bank. Failing that I'll cancel the card and order a new one.

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