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Working out RO rejection rate


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That is just basic maths

Same as these softwash calculators..i don't get the need for them

To some it's science - thought I would stick it up because it's becoming a common question. Not everyone is a genius like you daveyboy, I'm crap at maths - was never interested. And in my era technology has become an excuse not to use the old brain matter as much.

It can be picked up in a search now so hope it can help in the future.

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I definitely think nowadays maths is a lost art of witchcraft what with even phones having scientific calculators on them

Nice one bud as it will help some people

You can pay a fortune for a softwash recipe calculator app which will help some as it will take an existing mix and tell you what to add to your leftovers to make a different strength mix without wasting it etc but i never had a problem working it out using my noodle

I did well at school..9 gcse's and most c and above and never used them as got in to the windows game

Not that you would think i was clever with my gutteral london accent lol

I did well at school..9 gcse's and most c and above and never used them as got in to the windows gameNot that you would think i was clever with my gutteral london accent lol
I got no exams n skivin at age 13...worked on farms n industries all my life...wish id got in this game years ago...then again..you got to do graft to realise you got it easy i spose....i do

I was cleaning windows while at school and when i left then did 3 years in the army..left and carried on the windows while in the reserves

Since then i have always done windows to some extent

Wish i had know then as i wouldn't have bothered with school at all

Davy...i can read.write.count n spelll....that enough n all i lernd at skool...but i want my sons to learn n not follow me in this game...work indoors in warm n av company car lol...yeah right...they want my bloody job

Thanks for posting as I'm a bit backward, maths without a doubt my worst subject.

Just re-tested my tap water TDS gone up to 295 rejection rate currently just below 98%

Defo useful calculator.


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