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Xline Trolley system


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Active member
Keighley. Wet Yorkshire
I have an Xline 45lt trolley system which is great. I don't have a van yet so im just working out the back of my car. 

I would like to know if it's possibly to add a hosereel so that I can leave the boot of the motor open and just walk with the pole and reel to my houses. Would it be easy to set up ? I assume I can run hose from my trolley system to the reel and attach the pole and off I go ? Im fairly new to the wfp hence the reason for a trolley system. But im already fed up of lifting the trolley in and out of the boot lol.


That’s exactly what I do; leave the trolley/DI vessel in the boot; DI vessel attached thru the car window using a few feet of 6mm microbore to the hose reel, which has 100m microbore which I attach my pole to. Use an old bike chain/lock on the hose reel depending on the area, but the overall process works fine - and I don’t have to get the trolley out the car at all. Carry a load of 25l barrels to fill up on the go. Made a huge difference to how I work...that and a univalve!

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The trolley comes in really handy with the hard to access properties no doubt about it. Best case scenario would to have both....a van system and a trolley. I can only have the trolley system at the minute. I have recently bought an hosereel and this gives me an alternative way of working which I'm finding quite good atvthe moment ?


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