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It’s it morale or right


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West Midlands
So, after loosing my key to the shed padlock and studying many you tube videos I’m now in the position to open most basic padlocks with paper clips , question is should i , or would you , apply this to locked gates on the round and re lock them afterwards 

So, after loosing my key to the shed padlock and studying many you tube videos I’m now in the position to open most basic padlocks with paper clips , question is should i , or would you , apply this to locked gates on the round and re lock them afterwards 

I wouldn't. If a gate is locked and our A frame ladder will straddle it then that's what we do. If it doesn't then we phone ahaed for the gate to be left unlocked. If the gate was left locked then we just do the fronts.

Being able to pick a lock is a skill I believe you should keep to yourself. You could get blamed for something you weren't involved in. That's my honest opinion.

They could then think you picked their front door lock and stole this and that.

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It is surprising how many people think they have securely locked their gate when in reality they haven't. I'm not going to go into why on here, but suffice to say, if I have a way of getting passed a locked gate then I usually let the customer decide whether they mind me doing it. Some will and some won't. I've lost customers over misunderstandings in this regard in the past. I have to say that most haven't seemed to mind as long as they know how I'm doing it. 

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I think you just have to be squeeky clean at all times.

If you were a skilled safe cracker you would be a prime suspect every time a safe is broken into.

A few years ago we cleaned a house for a single guy. He had been a customer for a year or so. He always promised to pay on the internet but we had to go back each week but he was never in.

We cleaned that house on the Friday and we later found out that he had been burgled over the weekend and they cleared his house out. He was away in Spain for a long weekend so the thieves had plenty of time.

When he got back and found what had happened he called the police. He told us the following week when we went to collect what had happened. He said the first question the police asked is if he had a window cleaner. "Yes". "What's his name?" "I don't know but he cleaned the windows on Friday and left his slip. His name's on it with his telephone number." The police officer looked at the slip and immediately said, "Its not them, I'm not even going to bother talking to them. Are you on Facebook?"

Luckily I don't need to pick them, if the customer forgets to leave the gate or door open I just use my master key,


So, after loosing my key to the shed padlock and studying many you tube videos I’m now in the position to open most basic padlocks with paper clips , question is should i , or would you , apply this to locked gates on the round and re lock them afterwards 
Jeez man! No way! You can't seriously consider picking customers gate locks, surely? Unless you're willing to be marched by the collar into a police car. Can you imagine the repercussions in your local Facebook Mafia conversations, and the damage to your reputation? You don't mean any harm to your customers but they would be furious I'd think. I would be and it would be the last time on my property. I would not hand anyone the ammunition to blacken your name. That's two of us advising against it. The final decision is yours of course. ?

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Nope I do agree it  dosent   sit right with me but I have been tempted to open some then lock them rather than use ladders to climb over. 

Nope I do agree it  dosent   sit right with me but I have been tempted to open some then lock them rather than use ladders to climb over. 
See if you're gonna use a ladder and the customer won't mind that then why not I say. If I had the skills to pick a lock I would choose that over climbing the gate. I might be tempted to put the step ladder next to the gate and close the gate while working round the back, customer turns up and I could say I used the ladder but found the padlock unbolted anyway, no ones feelings hurt!

Anyone notice that some padlocks are locked over the bolted gate but you can actually feed the padlock over the bolt? I liken myself to Houdini ?


Fronts only, charge half price. Why waste time picking to unlock and then picking to lock?

Good job you never lost your house keys!


Fronts only, charge half price. Why waste time picking to unlock and then picking to lock?

Good job you never lost your house keys!
I don't think you should charge half price mate, they leave the gate locked they don't want them done IMO. I provide them a quality service none of this splash and dash, if they want quality they should pay full price for it and leave the bloody gate open while they're at it ?

So, after loosing my key to the shed padlock and studying many you tube videos I’m now in the position to open most basic padlocks with paper clips , question is should i , or would you , apply this to locked gates on the round and re lock them afterwards 
No  , noway would i , easy to send a text to customers the day before you go asking them to leave the gate open , then tell them if you forget youll climb over . If you start picking padlocks , you maybe blamed if a shed etc is ever broken into; just a thought..
