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Best liquid foam for scrubbing dirt on pvc


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Ah ok Virosol mixed 10 parts water to 1 part Virosol works very well , on all UPVC products it will soften and loosen , algi, and general road grime , spray it on leave for a couple of muinits rub with wfp rinse job done 
 I need to try some of this, though the few fsg jobs ive done have been not too bad and just used water. What would you say best for solar panels? I did some recently, and likewise, just scrubbed away with pure on low to start, and rinsed off high. mind you, these were set up in their garden, so was easy to get a good elbow grease on them, but I know a solution would be better for high up ones. Virosol again? or screwfix degreaser adequate?

 I need to try some of this, though the few fsg jobs ive done have been not too bad and just used water. What would you say best for solar panels? I did some recently, and likewise, just scrubbed away with pure on low to start, and rinsed off high. mind you, these were set up in their garden, so was easy to get a good elbow grease on them, but I know a solution would be better for high up ones. Virosol again? or screwfix degreaser adequate?

According to most solar panel manufacturers you shouldn’t use chemicals on them , when we were doing large commercial arrays for companies it was in the contract that nk chemicals were used only pure water , if you used chemicals and there was a warranty issue we would have been held responsible, personally I cannot see a mild non corrosive detergent doing any harm , my advice would be if you do use something then rinse well , we have used Virosol for 15 years ( not on solar) and fund it very good mix it 10-1 and it’s a powerful cleaning agent , and rinses off easily unlike some other products that leave a slippery almost greasy feel . I have not used the screw fix degreaser .

I did a test with Virosol, ubik and degreaser and there wasn't any difference. The temperature of the water made a big difference though. Virosol can turn plastic an orange colour I later found out so that's why I stick with screwfix degreaser.

If diluting Virosol it’s fine if you don’t then like any chemical it can cause yellowing hypo will do the same .

Aye, think I was dipping the brush in neat virosol then i spilt the bucket over white stone chips which became orange & yellow chips. ? That's why I stick to degreaser and I bought a few dozen when on special at £6. ?

I've always used TFR because it is easily available to me and it's effective, only downside is it makes rubbers bleed. Question for those with experience, do Virosol and Ubik have the same effect?

I've always used TFR because it is easily available to me and it's effective, only downside is it makes rubbers bleed. Question for those with experience, do Virosol and Ubik have the same effect?

Virosol will make perished rubbers bleed but every chemical i have ever used will do the same including cif 
