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Advice on setting up static RO Unit.


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Well-known member
North east
Hi guys I was wondering if I could get some recommendations for setting up a RO unit in my garage.

I have been operating with a DI only system for a few years but as the buisness is growing and now the price of everything going up, it's really not cost effective anymore.

I don't need a top of the line system or anything like that. 100-200GPD should be enough for me.

I'm looking for a static water tank 650-1000 litres, I will also need a submersible water pump to draw purified water from the tank, preferably with a long hose included. If anyone could point me in the right direction I would really appreciate it, thanks.
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A 100-200gpd won't produce enough pure water in a reasonable time frame at all if you just want a standard R/O then 450gpd from Reverse Osmosis (RO) Systems and Water Filters with Axeon Membranes will be much better my water pressure fluctuates so currently takes about 12 hours over night to produce 350-400ltrs

Submersible pump Screwfix Titan sub pump is what I use as for hose https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00WKMUFP6/?tag=wcf01-21 this isn't like all the other stuff that is sold and splits, I have had this years you can bend it drive over it and completely abuse it and it keeps it shape, if you have the space for 1000ltr ibc they are usually sold cheap enough on Ebay
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Hi guys I was wondering if I could get some recommendations for setting up a RO unit in my garage.

I have been operating with a DI only system for a few years but as the buisness is growing and now the price of everything going up, it's really not cost effective anymore.

I don't need a top of the line system or anything like that. 100-200GPD should be enough for me.

I'm looking for a static water tank 650-1000 litres, I will also need a submersible water pump to draw purified water from the tank, preferably with a long hose included. If anyone could point me in the right direction I would really appreciate it, thanks.
As per @Iron Giant with regard to r/o size. Speak to @doug atkinson at Daqua. You will get good quality membranes, not cheap Chinese stuff.

You also need to consider installing the r/o in a cabinet with a small tube heater to protect the membranes from frost. I built a cabinet for my now replacement 4040 with an old household thermostat temperature switch. When the temperature inside the cabinet drops to 6 degrees, it kicks the tube heater on. It switches off at around 8 degrees.

Personally, we started with a 450gpd r/o into a used 1000 IBC tank. It probably took around 36 hours to fill it over the first weekend, but the r/o was big enough to just support 2 of us with a bit of planning. The r/o basically worked 6 days a week. I also fitted a float switch and on/off solenoid valve so I didn't have to worry about being around when the IBC tank was full - ie, middle of the night.

This float switch has been in operation for the past 14 years and worth every penny spent. It's even more necessary now with a 4040 which produces around 2 litres of pure water per minute. It has a panel on the front to keep the warmth in.


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Thanks for the advice fellas, based on everything I've heard here this is what I've come up with.

All items will need to be delivered so ebay isn't really an option, no one wants to deliver a 1000 ltr tank ? having said that I have found some good options.

I've attached pictures of what I'm considering buying, the cabinet shouldn't be much of an issue I can build something and insulate it to protect from frost. I'm not looking to spend a fortune on this setup, everything I've selected here comes to a total of £352.26p. I did look on Daqua but the only thing in my price range there was a tiny 450 GPD system with 2 pre filters I'm not sure if this will be good enough perhaps you can enlighten me? This is the first time I'm trying to setup a RO system and I'm not super knowledgeable on the subject.

Any objections to the items I've selected here? Thanks.


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The RO in the picture is from Pure Freedom BTW, they seem like a reputable source so I'm assuming they use decent membranes. Correct me if I'm wrong.
. I did look on Daqua but the only thing in my price range there was a tiny 450 GPD system with 2 pre filters I'm not sure if this will be good enough perhaps you can enlighten me?
Bit confused by this as you have chosen the PF one which is almost exactly the same, I am not sure what membranes PF use, just to point out 2 pre-filters are all that's needed sediment filter and carbon filter, PF fill their 3rd one with resin which is completely pointless, PF is cheaper I've noticed than Daqua but personally, I'd buy from Daqua the reason I say this is Doug builds the R/O's himself and for a bit extra you can request a clear housing for the sediment filter as what you won't know is if you have issues with sediment with a clear housing you can see the white sediment change colour and know when to change it at a glance unless you check the sediment filter twice a week by unscrewing the housing and checking the filter

If you have a budget which we all have the 450gpd will do the job just fine, I have used one for over 14 years, if you get everything bought and delivered by Thursday of this week you can start producing pure over the weekend and have ibc filled ready for work next week and you can keep the ibc topped up easily

You'll also need to buy pre-filters as well to change them as required, with Daqua you know exactly what you are getting top quality pre-filters with the specs on Daqua website, on PF's website they look like really cheap 10" pre-filters with no specs at all as to how much water they can filter before needing to be changed
Bit confused by this as you have chosen the PF one which is almost exactly the same, I am not sure what membranes PF use, just to point out 2 pre-filters are all that's needed sediment filter and carbon filter, PF fill their 3rd one with resin which is completely pointless, PF is cheaper I've noticed than Daqua but personally, I'd buy from Daqua the reason I say this is Doug builds the R/O's himself and for a bit extra you can request a clear housing for the sediment filter as what you won't know is if you have issues with sediment with a clear housing you can see the white sediment change colour and know when to change it at a glance unless you check the sediment filter twice a week by unscrewing the housing and checking the filter

If you have a budget which we all have the 450gpd will do the job just fine, I have used one for over 14 years, if you get everything bought and delivered by Thursday of this week you can start producing pure over the weekend and have ibc filled ready for work next week and you can keep the ibc topped up easily

You'll also need to buy pre-filters as well to change them as required, with Daqua you know exactly what you are getting top quality pre-filters with the specs on Daqua website, on PF's website they look like really cheap 10" pre-filters with no specs at all as to how much water they can filter before needing to be changed
Hey, thanks this is exactly the kind of info I needed. As I said I'm not very clued up when it comes to RO systems and I am on a budget but it can be stretched a bit further. After hearing this I will be going with Daqua and probably will fork out for the clear housing on the filter as that sounds really useful.

Just to be clear is this the one you are talking about? (Pic attached)


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Hey, thanks this is exactly the kind of info I needed. As I said I'm not very clued up when it comes to RO systems and I am on a budget but it can be stretched a bit further. After hearing this I will be going with Daqua and probably will fork out for the clear housing on the filter as that sounds really useful.

Just to be clear is this the one you are talking about? (Pic attached)
Yes. Just pick up the phone and talk to him. He will ask you a few questions such as your tap water pressure. Screwfix sell a test gauge. It's important to know this.
My personal preference is the Axeon membranes.

I would also suggest a few Fiberdyne carbon block filters. These need to be changed every 38,000 litres of processed water, waste + pure.

This video will also help you understand the r/o process.
450 ro with new membranes etc, 220 litres takes around 3 1/2 hours with booster pump...... keeps me going im out around 5 day week. but its on every day

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