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Astra van - gutter vac


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Just wondering if anyone knows if you can get a 3600w gutter vacuum ( so the larger ones) inside an Astra van ? Or even a interceptor ?

Many thanks
Never heard of the solo so had a look at it. Basically they've stuck a genie on a trolley and charged £1500+ for doing so.
The Inteceptor looks much better engineered but as I've got one I would say that ?
Think gutter sucker and spinaclean are the same company same machines just branded different
If you come across a blocked down pipe when vaccing and you cannot successfully unblock it with the vac and it needs unscrewing from the wall do you charge more for this? I haven’t come across this yet but would be good to know in case I do.
Generaly.no. it's often at the elbow or because they used very long screws.

Most of the time there are no screws so you can get the elbow out without having to unscrew anything.

We inspect before we quote and often can spot this in inspection. We have a GoPro and use this on the end of our Gardner pole so no need for ladders to inspect