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Did a conservatory inside clean today


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Dave B

Staff member
As above
Regular customer so knew the size so quoted by text for all inside inc roof and frames etc
Failed to tell me they smoke in there rather than in the house
Nice and clean now but I feel rough now even after a shower
Won’t be doing that again
As above
Regular customer so knew the size so quoted by text for all inside inc roof and frames etc
Failed to tell me they smoke in there rather than in the house
Nice and clean now but I feel rough now even after a shower
Won’t be doing that again
Lol I did a job like that just after I started window cleaning The nicotine ran up my arms into my tee shirt had to throw it away , for about a week after when ever I got hot and sweated the smell of nicotine came out of my skin , I always check now before quoting theses jobs , won’t do insides of any smokers , lesson learned ???
What a lovely way to spend your weekends ??

Add on jobs either have to be done on weekends or working late, otherwise I wouldn't get round my work. Circumstances dictate its a day at the weekend this time. Least you admit cleaning windows is such a shite job no one would want to be doing it at weekends never mind during the week.
I did a conservatory. Three hours basically a short half day for the two of us.. Six hours total. Filthy with dog hair mould on the edges of the window and spots all over the pvc. Cleaned the outside. A medium conservatory. Didn't quote as he has never asked for one for other work before. Just priced it at £25 per hour per man including all the water and antimould spray. Went spare when I said £160. Thought I was cheap according to Checka trader. In future always quote, lesson learnt. He paid anyway though I wont be getting anymore work off him in the future. Yippee.
I did a conservatory. Three hours basically a short half day for the two of us.. Six hours total. Filthy with dog hair mould on the edges of the window and spots all over the pvc. Cleaned the outside. A medium conservatory. Didn't quote as he has never asked for one for other work before. Just priced it at £25 per hour per man including all the water and antimould spray. Went spare when I said £160. Thought I was cheap according to Checka trader. In future always quote, lesson learnt. He paid anyway though I wont be getting anymore work off him in the future. Yippee.
Always quote even if it's just a few ££. Sometimes customers vastly underestimate the cost and time it takes!
Learned the hard way myself, I finding the list of jobs I now refuse is starting to get longer. No inside cleans, no internal conny’s, no builders cleans, no gutter clear outs & I only wash gutters of existing customers. I know there’s a lot of money I’m passing by but I’m not a fan of addons!
I'm here the now, cr smith cleaned it for them the last time so they said my price of £300 is a bargain.
Yeah, I vastly underquoted. The problem I've got is that when they ask for multiple jobs I'm there totting it all up and it can be like £500 and in my head I'm thinking that's a lot of money... but then when you start doing the work you realise that it's not enough because for one it's not possible to do it all in one go because it's such hard work and 2, the slightest mis calculation of the level of dirt build up and all the little bits, all the detail that needs to be done to make the job look right can easily add a few hours on to a big job.

I quoted £120 for just the underside of the glass roof but includes the frames that were covered in mould and the stop of the sides where the side panels are joined to the roof where you get like that little ledge, well that was covered in flies and mould. I went hard at it on Friday and got 90% of it clean in 1.5 hours but when it came to actually doing the window clean on the glass I just had to call it a day, it was that hot and I had been in there for 2 hours already with the sun baking down on me, the squeegy would move on the glass, the water just evapourated so quick and there was loads of furniture in the way. I was just losing my rag a bit and just thought it's best come back either on a cloudy day or a different time when the sun is at a different point of the house.

But yeah completely got it wrong, quoted £170 for the outside, £120 for the underside and £60 for fascia and soffits which looked simple but again that took an hour when I thought it would be about 45 minutes.

Really it should have been £210, £200 and £90, but whether they would have paid that I really don't know. It's easier if they don't ask for everything to be done because otherwise it's sounds like a lot of money when you add it all together but it is a lot of work.

Be glad to get back to the boring window cleaning :ROFLMAO:
Mine had plenty of work in it, 5 hours total. When they told me cr smith had done it before but they don't do it anymore, I knew the price I was going to quote would be one they would be happy with as they told me a couple of years ago they paid £500 to get it done. They told me they had made enquiries with 2 other people but they wanted to pressure wash it and they didn't want that to be done.

Unless asked I don't really try get the add ons, so don't really push for them. I wasn't aware people power washed them though. That can't be good for the sealing round the windows if have thought.