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Dave B

Staff member
Been using my wagtail for 2 days now and don't miss the fixed squeegees i have used for 25 years at all

Just need to try the liquidator channel in it now

@boarcity why did i never try this before??

thats the beauty of the tinternet. i and many others in the trade would likely never have heard of the Wagtail squeegee if not for the net . IF and its a big IF i had stumbled on it in a shop [its not on sale in my regions shops so how would i ever have seen one] even if one got here by luck i likely would have passed by it as it looks very cheap quality . looks are deceiving of course !

thank christ for the Wagtail i say. its a great invention ,a real game changer

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Pity mr erken keeps making shoddy versions when he has some blinders too

I was against wagtails on principle after having a row with the old drunkard

But the slimline is a good tool

i personally think he should have stopped at the slimline then done some proper marketing . the 2 supply shops near me rubbish the wagtail [why-lord knows-they havnt ever sold any ,could be the other makes are better visually

] , iv spoke to countless windies in my area over the yrs,none have ever heard of Wagtail .

I agree, The wagtail is good on a pole i am getting quite fast, and with the mods detailing is in the past (use a new combi) But in my hands i dont like it, feels awkward.

better to have the "dont give a sh.it " attitude ,where you dont look at the squeegee ,but instead you are looking at the window glass i found you get along a whole lot better

this attitude/mindset can take ages to get to,usually comes after you have given up trying to accurately use the wagtail with a tensed up arm action and you relax cos you cant give a sh.it

I never look at my squeegee anyway

You can touch the tip of your nose with closed eyes as your brain knows exactly where your hand is so why do you need to follow your squeegee with your eyes..just look at the glass

Ive onlt really tried using mine on pole and didnt like it as too many top openers on my round which i couldnt get right, plus frame and sills are hard to get to high standard, but in hand is something ive never really paid much attention too, maybe i should with a liquidator channel

Practice on a pole and it is awesome

Top openers also

Just stick folded microfibre over pole tip like boarcity recommended to detail top edges on openers if they are too small to fan

I get the frames ok as they are all spotless anyway and sills tust turn pole over to use scrubber on them

Maybe need to do with ladders occasionally if grubby

And first cleans i still use ladders

wagtail flipper is great dont you just hate it when you use your old applicator ,put the soap on the widow , then when your about to change to squeegee spmeone calls you. happend about 10 times today

ladders are actually good for you, your joints i mean. im proof of that

i was diagnosed as havin worn knees yrs ago, since i took up as a windie never a problem since. the job strengthens the muscles that supports the joints. im on ladders all day and enjoy it

Not if you suffer from say rheumatoid arthritis it wont help climbing ladders surely?
not extreme conditions no,-- but for most folk climbing ladders is very good for your core strength,im convinced of it

wagtail flipper is great dont you just hate it when you use your old applicator ,put the soap on the widow , then when your about to change to squeegee spmeone calls you. happend about 10 times today
I used my moerman applicator on a new clean today

Feels so bleedin heavy after using the wagtail


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