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Replacing a pole section


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Section one of my SLX27 is showing some serious wear just above the tape. I didn't maintain the pole for quite a while (12 months or so) but recently i've been doing regular cleaning and maintenance. I replace the tape and use dry film PTFE spray as recommended.

The question is do I need to just replace section 1, Section 1 and section 2 or Section 1 and the clamp?



Section one of my SLX27 is showing some serious wear just above the tape. I didn't maintain the pole for quite a while (12 months or so) but recently i've been doing regular cleaning and maintenance. I replace the tape and use dry film PTFE spray as recommended.

The question is do I need to just replace section 1, Section 1 and section 2 or Section 1 and the clamp?

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Here's my take. That section will have got quite thin so in the near future it could well crack. But you can still work with it by only half extending that section until you replace it.This is what happened to my son's original SLX25 and he continued to work with it for about a week until we replaced the pole.

Rather than buy replacement sections I would buy a new CLX22 and use the base section you have to extend the length of the pole back to a CLX27. The base section will have minimal wear as the pole won't be fully extended every time you clean windows.

I have an old SLX40 which is 10 years old now. When the time comes to replace it I will buy an SLX25 and use the remaining lower sections to turn it back into an SLX40.

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Here's my take. That section will have got quite thin so in the near future it could well crack. But you can still work with it by only half extending that section until you replace it.This is what happened to my son's original SLX25 and he continued to work with it for about a week until we replaced the pole.

Rather than buy replacement sections I would buy a new CLX22 and use the base section you have to extend the length of the pole. The base section will have minimal wear as the pole won't be fully extended every time you clean windows.

I have an old SLX40. When the time comes to replace it I will buy an SLX25 and use the remaining lower sections to turn it back into an SLX40.
That my friend is a genius idea. I could probably use a 22ft pole and when it finally snaps I can just replace that section for another and I have a second pole which i've been flirting with the idea of getting anyway.

Are you sure the 22 is compatible with the 27? The website has replacement sections for the 18 and 22 are grouped together as are the 25, 30, 35, 39 & 47 but the sections for the 27 have a category of their own ?

I don’t know if this would have Alex approval but I would cut off the badly  worn bit re tape it and use it like that untill it needs replacing , I had a clx years ago exactly the same thing happened and that’s what I did untill the whole pole was worn out , they are cheap as chips so buying a replacement pole isn’t a lot of money 

That doesn't look that badly worn I have had worse, 2-3 coats of lacquer and maintain a regular maintenance schedule it will be fine, I have taken not to just spraying the outside of the pole sections but also spraying the inside from the top to reduce internal wear at the top of each section when pole sections are fully extended. 

That doesn't look that badly worn I have had worse, 2-3 coats of lacquer and maintain a regular maintenance schedule it will be fine, I have taken not to just spraying the outside of the pole sections but also spraying the inside from the top to reduce internal wear at the top of each section when pole sections are fully extended. 
Haha I thought @spruce was the frugal one. Do you mean the same type of lacquer that you would top coat a car with?

Personally I don't like that stuff, search for for plastikote clear lacquer on amazon get the matt finish. I also posted on the another post best spray just scroll down as I replied to the post yesterday. 

Section one of my SLX27 is showing some serious wear just above the tape. I didn't maintain the pole for quite a while (12 months or so) but recently i've been doing regular cleaning and maintenance. I replace the tape and use dry film PTFE spray as recommended.

The question is do I need to just replace section 1, Section 1 and section 2 or Section 1 and the clamp?

This is typical wear on a section where the overlap tape has not been checked and replaced regularly. I cannot see from the photos if you have now replaced the base wrap of tape as well - if not then this is just as important as the upper wrap of tape to prevent overlap wear.

Looking at the wear on the section and what to do - personally I would simply ensure that the tape is in place, in both locatoins (as the upper tape is now) and carry on using it. It is only the outer red layer of cloth that has worn away and the pole should continue to be quite usable as it is ?

Haha I thought @spruce was the frugal one. Do you mean the same type of lacquer that you would top coat a car with?

Hey, I spray the sections of my poles with engine lacquer every now and again and replace the stop tape. My SLX22 in nearly 7 years old and my daily pole. I also add a second wrap of tape at the very base of the pole and this seems to reduce wear as well.

That my friend is a genius idea. I could probably use a 22ft pole and when it finally snaps I can just replace that section for another and I have a second pole which i've been flirting with the idea of getting anyway.

Are you sure the 22 is compatible with the 27? The website has replacement sections for the 18 and 22 are grouped together as are the 25, 30, 35, 39 & 47 but the sections for the 27 have a category of their own ?

The base section of the CLX 22 is 34mm and the base section of the CLX27 is 37mm. The extension for the CLX22 is extension 6 which is 37mm.

@Alex Gardinerwill be able to confirm that what I've said is right or not. Or I could take my CLX22 down to a local windie and measure the sections of his CLX27 and check it.

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@spruce @P4dstar

All of our pole sections use a similar size outer diameters so sections can be swapped from one pole to another - CLX sections can be used with SLX section and vice versa.

The reasons that the spares for each type are sold and listed separately is that the length of the sections varies - so a CLX18/22 section #3 is shorter than a CLX27 section #3.

Making up poles from older poles and cutting down old poles to make new poles is a sensible use of resources.

This is typical wear on a section where the overlap tape has not been checked and replaced regularly. I cannot see from the photos if you have now replaced the base wrap of tape as well - if not then this is just as important as the upper wrap of tape to prevent overlap wear.

Looking at the wear on the section and what to do - personally I would simply ensure that the tape is in place, in both locatoins (as the upper tape is now) and carry on using it. It is only the outer red layer of cloth that has worn away and the pole should continue to be quite usable as it is ?
Thanks Alex. The tape has been regularly replaced on the base as well. I have been replacing the tape as required for quite a while now, it's just at first I didn't complete regular maintenance on it.

When I first started completing regular maintenance it was in really good nick and that red section that has worn away showed no signs of wear, it has come on pretty quickly in the last month or so I would say. I've also noticed a problem with the number 2 smart clamp, when section one is extended the clamp won't lock tightly closed. It locks to hold the section in place but is about 10mm out from the pole as if it is too tight. If I loosen the adjustment the top section will spin. When the pole is collapsed it will lock in place neatly.

This is where I came to the conclusion it might be time to change the clamps ?‍♂️

Thanks Alex. The tape has been regularly replaced on the base as well. I have been replacing the tape as required for quite a while now, it's just at first I didn't complete regular maintenance on it.

When I first started completing regular maintenance it was in really good nick and that red section that has worn away showed no signs of wear, it has come on pretty quickly in the last month or so I would say. I've also noticed a problem with the number 2 smart clamp, when section one is extended the clamp won't lock tightly closed. It locks to hold the section in place but is about 10mm out from the pole as if it is too tight. If I loosen the adjustment the top section will spin. When the pole is collapsed it will lock in place neatly.

This is where I came to the conclusion it might be time to change the clamps ?‍♂️

Hi P4dstar

To get the best life from the section regular cleaning is important. Most abrasion will happen on a section from the presence of dirt.

To let me better advise on your issue please send me some photos via the message facility and we can have a look at this for you - the pole is only 18 months old so it would be good to see what can be done to slow down further wear etc.

Hi P4dstar

To get the best life from the section regular cleaning is important. Most abrasion will happen on a section from the presence of dirt.

To let me better advise on your issue please send me some photos via the message facility and we can have a look at this for you - the pole is only 18 months old so it would be good to see what can be done to slow down further wear etc.
Thanks Alex, just sent them over ?


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