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A toast to the death of democracy


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People that call the Polish people??

You seem confused, here you go.

Anything but confused, I think you're the one that said the Scottish couldn't be called racist for anything they said and did towards the English. Racism is now used under many different terms. You posted about the Woman that resigned from the Brexit party for criticising Islam, is that a race? Yet you used it as a justification to call people that joined the party racist. This Is where people lose respect of others because they try and twist everything. I'm off to the pub now as it's quiz night and really have better things to do.  

Here's where we are.

We've voted to leave the EU.  We can only now leave the EU in an arrangement far worse than being in the EU - free movement of people, customs unions and european court jurastiction but without any of the benefits of  our current EU membership.  It is senseless to leave for this scenario, but the MPs will not allow a no deal withdrawal.

The tories have completely screwed up this process and deserve to go.  Labour are unelectable.  The Libdems are non-existent.  UKIP have imploded.  A brave man would call an election now as I would literally vote for the venga boys rather than any of them.  Someone needs to have the balls to make the call to leave with no deal, or revoke article 50 and stay in and deal with the consequences either way.  Honestly I couldnt give a XXXX anymore

Errrr, no it isn’t. If you can supply another definition of racism ( from a respected publication, OED for example) then that’d be great.

Look forward to your reply.
@Part Timer is correct;


They have started to group prejudice under the umbrella of racism in the school system. This is an argument I had with my son and his Irish friend that I could be discriminatory toward him but not racist as Irish isn't a race but a nationality. I settled on the argument that my names Paddy so if I wanna rip on an Irish person i'll fill my boots.

When we were at school they would have taught us things weren't racist because they were white on white for example, that is just using a technicality to avoid the issue that discrimination and or prejudice has taken please.

Errrr, no it isn’t. If you can supply another definition of racism ( from a respected publication, OED for example) then that’d be great.

Look forward to your reply.
I don't need to reply to someone that is being pedantic, in my opinion you are also being argumentative. But as you asked I will give you a reply. 

Here is a quote from the OED that you requested. 

Nationalism is, in my view, an unpleasant manifestation of racism that I have no time for.’

Looking forward to your reply 


Yes, ‘manifestation of’. I was after a definition.

Surely you’d agree that to be racist, you’d need to be of a different race to the individual recieving the intolerance??

Nationalism and racism are not the same thing. 

Apologies if I appear argumentative but I believe political opinions should be challenged. 

Looks like a soft Brexit with customs union. Anything could happen yet.........?

Here's where we are.

We've voted to leave the EU.  We can only now leave the EU in an arrangement far worse than being in the EU - free movement of people, customs unions and european court jurastiction but without any of the benefits of  our current EU membership.  It is senseless to leave for this scenario, but the MPs will not allow a no deal withdrawal.

The tories have completely screwed up this process and deserve to go.  Labour are unelectable.  The Libdems are non-existent.  UKIP have imploded.  A brave man would call an election now as I would literally vote for the venga boys rather than any of them.  Someone needs to have the balls to make the call to leave with no deal, or revoke article 50 and stay in and deal with the consequences either way.  Honestly I couldnt give a XXXX anymore

venga boys,   excellent  

agree definitely, no one should give up   at this moment in time the whole of the country is properly aware of how shambolic and self serving our entire flock of politicians are, in or out everyone should be forcing them out and trying to get some one in who wants the best for this country without stamping on those at the bottom and without privatising nhs and every other service that put us above other countries 

well i lost on a scratchcard the other day so i will be asking for another one because i never won....

cry babies is what they are if the Leave vote lost and they kicked off they stay voters would be laughing and saying get over it boohoo


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