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A blip or a sign of things to come!


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For quite some time I've not been one to panic when a customer skips a clean. I'm constantly clearing out the dead wood as we go. We send out the reminder texts and if someone is a persistent PITA they're told "No problem, let us know when you next want them done". Throughout September I've been dropping nearly one a day just this way. We bring in plenty of customers so it's not shrunk the business. Looking back at previous years net customer growth however and August/September we've only brought in slightly more than we've lost.

The energy crisis was a concern until they stepped in and capped it. Any of us with half a brain can see they're using our money to fund the profits of energy companies and this will bite us in years to come. For now however it solved a rather large hole in a lot of household finances. Just as there seemed to be light at the end of the tunnel (From a short term and rather selfish business perspective) they announced a bunch of policies, supposedly forcing the artificially low interest rates up and making another mess of peoples finances and I feel like I'm back where I was with the energy crisis. People popping up struggling to afford etc etc.

Just this week (4 days worth of reminder texts) we've had an average of £50 a day skip or cancel (or be cancelled). Do we think this is the shape of things to come over our very own winter of discontent?
The potential problems were always going to be from October to December, with the energy prices going up. OPEC have just announced they're cutting production so diesel will be going back up as well.
With interest rates going also I think the new build estates will be carnage as the next thing will be house prices dropping. Looks like it's going to be a long winter.
Saying that, up to now, we've not seen any downturn locally but will be amazed if we get through scot free
To be honest mate I’ve not currently got anything to moan about. We’ve grown in customers, just not the way we have in recent years. Annual recurring revenue is up substantially, mainly because we’re charging more to the new customers who come on board. The worry is we have wages to pay and losing circa £12k a year is a big hit and if £50ish a day cancellations become the norm that’s where we’d be.

I could fill those gaps with much more profitable work. I turn away most one off cleans at the moment because we ain’t got time for them. If between 2 and 4 customers cancel the night before I could easily fit them in. I think I need to hold the strong stance on dropping wasters. The Mrs asked me if that was a good idea but realistically if they’re not being done then they’re not really customers anyway ??‍♂️
For months now I have been saying this winter will be the winter of discontent people are going to struggle and ain't happy, if someone has a mortgage of 200k and their mortgage interest rate is going to jump up they could be paying an extra £700 a month plus the rising cost of everything else. Also not forgetting for the last 6 months all the media have done is ram it down people's necks every single day of the week.

I've lost jobs, I've dropped jobs my numbers are down but I am staying positive and optimistic as should we all :)
As mentioned it is from now (October) onwards that people are going to notice the cost of living hikes hitting them. Our industry will not be immune. From a personal standpoint I have not had any cancellations yet though one customer asked me to miss them last time and I have them to do this Friday and will not be surprised if when I text them they will again asked to be missed.
A lot of companies are Being cautious and not overspending factor that in with the media,energy and interest rates and people will be looking to make a saving where they can.

I only clean commercial so this is normally where you see it first but I don’t thing anyone will be immune

I clean H&M.They just dropped there cleaning schedule from 2 cleans a week to once a month.

I’ve priced a couple of jobs were they have already had a window cleaner and they’ve been honest when I’ve asked and said we’re looking to save money.

I was due to price a block of flats this month and the company have told me to hold of as a lot aren’t paying their service charge.

I can see people trying to streach the cleans out longer over the next few months meaning some will need more work.

That being said I’m still really busy but I do expect it to slow.
Lost one and then they came back again. I'm seeing alot of gutter clears coming in now. I have 4 to do today but the weather is the problem, wet and windy. If one is a one man band then not much stress when losing customers because of low overheads. House prices near me went a bit crazy because not much supply.
Lost a few but gaining more, this is my first business and my first time navigating any real economic downturn as I'm only 25 and the last one happened whilst I was still in school! I'm definitely worrying about it, but perhaps prematurely at this time as I haven't lost any more than I usually would (I have a somewhat of a turnover of customers generally as I'm still building and growing a round, people come and go and the good ones stick.)

Hopefully it'll be alright and as I've said, lots will suffer and lose their homes, businesses, jobs etc before I do.
We have lost 1. Iv been doing windows for 20 years. I worked with someone 20 years ago who had been doing it 40 years. In all that time window cleaners went under the radar when it came to lossing work. Yes we will lose some customers, but compared to the mass unemployment in the past window cleaners have generally keepes going.

I'm not worrying about it, not even watching the news it just stresses me out. What ever happens is beyond our control we can only do our best.

So that's my plan. If we lose work so be it. We can't really afford to lose work but so far not noticed any real difference
We have lost less than a handful so far but a couple of them were from price increases, no idea ware all this will end but not worrying about it at the moment enquiries have slowed up a lot but most that do enquire are turning into jobs , was talking to @DeLaCruz earlier and he’s the same as us , I do think area has a lot to do with it , there isn’t a lot we can do about it it’s out of our control.
As far as I know service charges are above mortgages when repossessions happen so quite surprised that they have put it off.
You can't sell a property with service charge owing now.So wile you'll get it in the end if 20% of a site don't pay it can soon have an impact on reserve funds.

This was a new site as well so chances are the previous management company have left very little or nothing in the pot.
For quite some time I've not been one to panic when a customer skips a clean. I'm constantly clearing out the dead wood as we go. We send out the reminder texts and if someone is a persistent PITA they're told "No problem, let us know when you next want them done". Throughout September I've been dropping nearly one a day just this way. We bring in plenty of customers so it's not shrunk the business. Looking back at previous years net customer growth however and August/September we've only brought in slightly more than we've lost.

The energy crisis was a concern until they stepped in and capped it. Any of us with half a brain can see they're using our money to fund the profits of energy companies and this will bite us in years to come. For now however it solved a rather large hole in a lot of household finances. Just as there seemed to be light at the end of the tunnel (From a short term and rather selfish business perspective) they announced a bunch of policies, supposedly forcing the artificially low interest rates up and making another mess of peoples finances and I feel like I'm back where I was with the energy crisis. People popping up struggling to afford etc etc.

Just this week (4 days worth of reminder texts) we've had an average of £50 a day skip or cancel (or be cancelled). Do we think this is the shape of things to come over our very own winter of discontent?
We live in a culture of panic. Keep calm, carry on and have a back up plan. Window cleaning is pretty resiliant; I started my first round in the 2008 recession.
I stopped doing the text message scenario back in 2011, for the simple fact being that it gives the customer and easy “out” by replying to that text. It’s harder for them to do it face to face. I will never do the text thing again, it’s detrimental even in the good times let alone how we are now.
I've gotta say mate, I couldn't disagree with this more. I don't need to be cleaning somewhere I'm not wanted. If you're letting people know you're coming then you're sure they want you there. If not then who knows how many people you're holding on to that don't appreciate or want the service. I think sending reminders, as well as being a good selling point, is also the way to build a strong round full of reliable customers.

We live in a culture of panic. Keep calm, carry on and have a back up plan. Window cleaning is pretty resiliant; I started my first round in the 2008 recession.
Genuinely not a panic post mate. I'm in a better position than most. When I started this business I wouldn't have believed I would be where I am today. There will however be a lot of navigating to do over the next few months.

We have lost 1. Iv been doing windows for 20 years. I worked with someone 20 years ago who had been doing it 40 years. In all that time window cleaners went under the radar when it came to lossing work. Yes we will lose some customers, but compared to the mass unemployment in the past window cleaners have generally keepes going.

I'm not worrying about it, not even watching the news it just stresses me out. What ever happens is beyond our control we can only do our best.

So that's my plan. If we lose work so be it. We can't really afford to lose work but so far not noticed any real difference
To be honest with you every previous recession has gone well for most trades, particularly well established ones. As I said above, there will be a lot of navigating to do, but certainly not going to be business ending for most reasonable windies.
Genuinely not a panic post mate. I'm in a better position than most. When I started this business I wouldn't have believed I would be where I am today. There will however be a lot of navigating to do over the next few months.
Sorry, i didn't meant you were panicking but just that generally we live in a culture of panic fuelled by an out of control media. If you look back over the past two years, covid, fuel shortages, energy, interest rates, they jump from one thing to the next. Nothing wrong with asking the question at all, I do too, but I try to keep a level head with all these things. I've had some cancellations and new work has defo been slower this year but I'm fininshing the year with more work than at the start so all is well.

On a side note, I never text customers unless I absolutely have to. I personally like to be a free spirit in my working day rather than being tied to a set number of jobs. I'd say about 85% of my work is just turn up and crack on. Rest have locked gates so no choice. Personal preference though.
I've gotta say mate, I couldn't disagree with this more. I don't need to be cleaning somewhere I'm not wanted. If you're letting people know you're coming then you're sure they want you there. If not then who knows how many people you're holding on to that don't appreciate or want the service. I think sending reminders, as well as being a good selling point, is also the way to build a strong round full of reliable customers.
If you sell your service as someone that will let them know you're doing their windows the next day then not doing so will mean you lose more customers. It also let's you know the messrs instantly.
It's fine well established people with little or no competition saying you shouldn't do it but the reality for others is it's the reason why they chose us initially.
We do work on year long schedules and are thriving because we can. Doing work ithis month, on time, that was scheduled in January.