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Dog Bite - Advice Required Pls


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Collies are one of the most intelligent breeds and if trained properly would not behave like this
I rest my case, most aren't trained or mentally stimulated or exercised enough and are known to be reactive because of this.

I own and have owned working dog breeds a Labarador and a Lurcher both could have been loopy but both had lots of training, you get out what you put in, unfortunately, some people don't put half as much effort in as they should.
little lad who works for me bought a presa canario pup . a case of a small man wanting a big fearsome hound . But it never grew much as he wanted and very gentle natured -in fact if i want to wind him up i say hows that cockerpoo getting along
I can’t see you havin a leg to stand on pal regarding a claim as you knew the dog was present. If they let it out whilst you was on the premises then maybe. If it was me I would tell you to jog on. Most postys round my way have special tools given to them to put the post through safely and so should you given the consequences. I once had it happen to me in the early days and I learnt and moved on as it was my own fault. Quick trip to the ossy to make sure I’d had my tetanus jab and was back to work. Why you would need that much time off is beyond me. I might sound a little ott but I’ve worked through broken ribs, wrists etc so really can’t see your reasoning. Dont mean to sound disrespectful but I think your playin on it a bit there buddy. Good old claim generation and that’s why this country’s goin to ****. I’m sorry if that sounds harsh but it’s true. I’ve been bitten by a few dogs on my round and none of claim for their dog to be aggressive. Sometimes a little knowledge of how to behave around dogs goes a long way.
I can’t see you havin a leg to stand on pal regarding a claim as you knew the dog was present. If they let it out whilst you was on the premises then maybe. If it was me I would tell you to jog on. Most postys round my way have special tools given to them to put the post through safely and so should you given the consequences. I once had it happen to me in the early days and I learnt and moved on as it was my own fault. Quick trip to the ossy to make sure I’d had my tetanus jab and was back to work. Why you would need that much time off is beyond me. I might sound a little ott but I’ve worked through broken ribs, wrists etc so really can’t see your reasoning. Dont mean to sound disrespectful but I think your playin on it a bit there buddy. Good old claim generation and that’s why this country’s goin to ****. I’m sorry if that sounds harsh but it’s true. I’ve been bitten by a few dogs on my round and none of claim for their dog to be aggressive. Sometimes a little knowledge of how to behave around dogs goes a long way.
Are you for real? Putting it on a bit? He's been to the hospital 3 times, it must have been a bad cut. Why should he have to pay the price for someone else's irresponsible behaviour? They've broken the law!
We have had several postmen bitten down here in a similar fashion , the post office always take legal action and 99% of the time win the case several dogs have been put down , and the post office have refused to deliver mail to certain addresses and or have insisted on external post boxes , one of my guys git bitten the same way ended up having stitches and got an infection in the finger he’s a real hard case and carried on working , but did get compensation from the house insurance of the customer they are now an ex customer as they weren’t prepared to do anything about restraining the dog . Since this incident a couple of years ago I have reviewed several jobs ware they have nasty digs and spoke ti the customers most are now ex customers as again they wouldn’t accept any responsibility for making sure tge digs were inside the house ,we had one customer who had an Alsatian lovely looking dog and I love dogs but this thing would open the house door and you would have to hold the door shut whilst the other guy did the windows they never locked the door when they went out , again I spoke to the owner and they just shrugged there shoulders so again it was an instant dump . Now when quoting jobs if I see a dog I ask questions and depending on the answers will or won’t take the job on , it’s simply not worth the risk of someone being bitten or worse for the sake of a few quid they could be off work for weeks or months .
Yeah fully agree with you, it's not worth the risk at all, well done for taking action. It's too easy to shrug it off and make excuses, some things have to be dealt with head on, nobody wants to but it's the right course of action and is part of your responsibility as an employer.
Are you for real? Putting it on a bit? He's been to the hospital 3 times, it must have been a bad cut. Why should he have to pay the price for someone else's irresponsible behaviour? They've broken the law!
How are they irresponsible by letting their own dog roam free in their own house? A lot of peeps go to the hospital for next to nothing these days hence why they are over run.
It’s like walking out in front of a car and saying they are responsible for running you over. H+S is taking over from common sense and has been for a while. I’m all for progression and making life more civil but come on……..

I used to hang around near a scrap yard when I was a kid and they had a guard dog. We used to taunt it till it was raging. Now if I poked my arm through the railings and it bit me that would be my fault 100%. Sick balls😂Same thing really as the homeowners dog could perceive a random person entering their property uninvited as a threat. They are a predatory pack animal that will protect its pack end of. Some will be trained to protect under instruction but most arnt. If you’re not comfortable around dogs or simply don’t know how to behave around them then best to stay clear altogether but don’t bland them for following their instincts. Like I said if such person enters my property and gets bit because of their ignorance then jog on. Obviously the op knew this being an existing customer and disregarded any form of H+S requirements hence hasn’t got a leg to stand on.
Are you for real? Putting it on a bit? He's been to the hospital 3 times, it must have been a bad cut. Why should he have to pay the price for someone else's irresponsible behaviour? They've broken the law!
Strap it up and carry on. 14 days off!
How are they irresponsible by letting their own dog roam free in their own house? A lot of peeps go to the hospital for next to nothing these days hence why they are over run.
They're responsible for ensuring that the letterbox doesn't take your fingers off when using it. They're also responsible for their own dog not taking someone's fingers off when using it. The letterbox is there for people to post items through it, therefor it's an invitation for people to use it, not an invitation for people to use it at their own risk.

Anyway, regardless of your 'opinion', it's the law, their isn't any argument about it. They've broken the law! You can have your opinion all you want but try telling that to a judge in court.
They're responsible for ensuring that the letterbox doesn't take your fingers off when using it. They're also responsible for their own dog not taking someone's fingers off when using it. The letterbox is there for people to post items through it, therefor it's an invitation for people to use it, not an invitation for people to use it at their own risk.

Anyway, regardless of your 'opinion', it's the law, their isn't any argument about it. They've broken the law! You can have your opinion all you want but try telling that to a judge in court.
Well said that man that’s exactly right👏👏
let the hunted become the hunter! a yellow lab once got me and i got my revenge by shooting him between the eyes with a spray bottle full of soapy water-i actually loved seeking him out from then on at every visit .Prior to that hed gotten hold of me and chased me loadsa times . Another tip is when you are putting a slip in the letterbox fold it over your squeegee blade see how he likes biting down on that
Your a sad bastard he should have bit you harder
let the hunted become the hunter! a yellow lab once got me and i got my revenge by shooting him between the eyes with a spray bottle full of soapy water-i actually loved seeking him out from then on at every visit .Prior to that hed gotten hold of me and chased me loadsa times . Another tip is when you are putting a slip in the letterbox fold it over your squeegee blade see how he likes biting down on that

Strange strange person who seeks out an animal with the intention of causing it harm.
There’s a very clear liability here by the dog owner, who’s more than likely got public liability insurance anyway under their normal household policy. We’re probably talking about a few hundred or low thousands, taking into account all the factors, so probably worth half an hour’s free advice from a local solicitor with a view to pursuing it.
They're responsible for ensuring that the letterbox doesn't take your fingers off when using it. They're also responsible for their own dog not taking someone's fingers off when using it. The letterbox is there for people to post items through it, therefor it's an invitation for people to use it, not an invitation for people to use it at their own risk.

Anyway, regardless of your 'opinion', it's the law, their isn't any argument about it. They've broken the law! You can have your opinion all you want but try telling that to a judge in court.
I’m not arguing pal, you are 100% correct. It’s also the same law that enables thief’s to be able to prosecute homeowners if they let their dog attack them whilst they are robbing you. Obviously there will be different cases with each being treated differently. I would also think the judge may ask who in their right mind would put their hand through a letterbox when they know there’s a dog behind it as they visit the property regularly.
I’m not arguing pal, you are 100% correct. It’s also the same law that enables thief’s to be able to prosecute homeowners if they let their dog attack them whilst they are robbing you. Obviously there will be different cases with each being treated differently. I would also think the judge may ask who in their right mind would put their hand through a letterbox when they know there’s a dog behind it as they visit the property regularly.

Not really true is it, if you set the dog on them inside your own home then you would be charged, or if its in the garden, inside your own home unless you have set the dog on the person then theres no come back from it. If the owner is with the dog then the dog wouldnt be allowed to maul the person as it should be called back by the owner. A bite or 2 would be absolutely fine.
Considering a jack russel has about the same bite force as it, its hardly taking your arm of it.
It's the damage caused, if it was a jack russel on the other side of the door it would have most likely been a nip of the fingers because it would have have jumped,

A larger/taller dog has the ability to inflict more damage because of its stature.

People are making a lot of assumptions on here that it wasn't that bad and he should man up, needing to go to hospital 3x is serious, unless the NHS were useless and didn't apply an adequate dressing, I've had that in the past and did a better job myself.

But until the author decides to come back and clarify things who knows 🤷
I’m not arguing pal, you are 100% correct. It’s also the same law that enables thief’s to be able to prosecute homeowners if they let their dog attack them whilst they are robbing you. Obviously there will be different cases with each being treated differently. I would also think the judge may ask who in their right mind would put their hand through a letterbox when they know there’s a dog behind it as they visit the property regularly.
If you were the judge, do you think you would come to those conclusions?

You say the judge would ask 'who in their right mind would put their hand through a letterbox when they know there’s a dog behind it as they visit the property regularly' , you're thinking is wrong, the judge would more likely ask 'who in their right mind wouldn't put a dog guard behind the letterbox knowing that they're dog is likely to attack anything coming through it...'

I don't know why you're defending the dog owners, they're the ones at fault. It's not a case of being soft, you're making out like it's nothing, I'm sure he had nothing better to do than go to hospital 3 times. Next you'll be saying he probably fancied the nurse.

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