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Washing up Liquid and rash on legs , fingers , arm


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Hi All ,
Ive used them all , posh ones , cheap ones and middle ofthe range ones lol . Been settled now for ages using white vinegar and Aldis Magnum but it MUST be the green one and ORIGINAL . Dont ask me why but the others dont seem so good . But seeing as im trad and wear shorts most of the time i have now got quite a bad rash developed on legs , not just just the leg that gets mostly wet because its on the squeegy side . Been t odocs and its been diagnosed as

Discoid eczema

Been given creams etc etc , it helps but it still itches like hell .So i want to try a more detergent free one or is there anyone out there had this experience and solved it , what are you using . I know its winter and i will be covering up then but it doesnt seem to go away as i wear waterprrofs which again make humid conditions and that in itself doesnt seem to help .

Was wondering about the ECOVER is it called but reading some post about people washing dishes some have said it doesnt sud up very well ? .

Anyone any help

I used to have the same problem on my hands when using washing up liquid. The rash could well be caused by the high amount of surfactants in it which are well known irritants. Your dilema is they are also what causes washing up liquid to sud up. Unger liquid is very good and low in surfactants but therefore doesn't sud up much. I mix that with Ettore squeegee off (medium surfactants) and my hands have been fine since.
I used to have the same problem on my hands when using washing up liquid. The rash could well be caused by the high amount of surfactants in it which are well known irritants. Your dilema is they are also what causes washing up liquid to sud up. Unger liquid is very good and low in surfactants but therefore doesn't sud up much. I mix that with Ettore squeegee off (medium surfactants) and my hands have been fine since.
Yes I use to use squeegy off it was very good , but £30 a bottle put me off eventually . That was cracking info thx for that .
When I was working I tried all types of wul. The one that gave me a rash & itchy was the Lemon wul no matter what make. If I used fairy liquid original green I was ok. I know there are loads of additives for the water which was not around when I was working and I suppose all manufactures are saying their one is best. For me I never had any problem with fairy liquid unless you put way too much in bucket or the opposite not enough. I have read that some members have had streaks on windows but cannot see how the wul can cause this, then again as I mentioned I have been out of the game for a long time. I always used ettore soft rubbers and unless you picked up a bit of grit which always seem to happen with a new rubber. A minute covering of dust on your blade can cause problems. I always for the last 15 years at least on shop windows used a ettore 24" aluminium squeegee with handle you can tilt with a 12" for the smaller panes. Used to make me laugh as other windies tried my 24" but could not get on with it but as everything it is all down to practice & experience.
your skin has a ph of around 5.5 and white vinegar has a ph of around 2.4 so you are bathing your leg and hands in a highly acidic solution hence the problem, plus using washing up liquid does not help as most if not all-ecover included contains whats called sodium laureth sulthate which, is a well known skin irritator, honestly mate come well away from all of these and look after your body. ditch the shower gels and use a good quality soap and use moisturiser i know its not manly but which would you prefer?, the unger mixes are not that bad at all once you get your head around the no sud thing which you don't really need anyway
Hi All ,
Ive used them all , posh ones , cheap ones and middle ofthe range ones lol . Been settled now for ages using white vinegar and Aldis Magnum but it MUST be the green one and ORIGINAL . Dont ask me why but the others dont seem so good . But seeing as im trad and wear shorts most of the time i have now got quite a bad rash developed on legs , not just just the leg that gets mostly wet because its on the squeegy side . Been t odocs and its been diagnosed as

Discoid eczema

Been given creams etc etc , it helps but it still itches like hell .So i want to try a more detergent free one or is there anyone out there had this experience and solved it , what are you using . I know its winter and i will be covering up then but it doesnt seem to go away as i wear waterprrofs which again make humid conditions and that in itself doesnt seem to help .

Was wondering about the ECOVER is it called but reading some post about people washing dishes some have said it doesnt sud up very well ? .

Anyone any help

@fast_muchly I work with my wife and she has dermatitis and a type of eczema. Exactly like you the humid and damp weather makes it worse. We use either unger ninja liquid (as we've found you only need a smaller amount compared to the normal unger liquid, but we've found the normal unger liquid is fine too) or ettore squeegee off and she has no problems whatsoever. As @Septimus Meek says it's to do with the ingredients. Hope they help and ease it off for you mate.
@fast_muchly I work with my wife and she has dermatitis and a type of eczema. Exactly like you the humid and damp weather makes it worse. We use either unger ninja liquid (as we've found you only need a smaller amount compared to the normal unger liquid, but we've found the normal unger liquid is fine too) or ettore squeegee off and she has no problems whatsoever. As @Septimus Meek says it's to do with the ingredients. Hope they help and ease it off for you mate.
What ratio do you use the normal Unger Liquid at? I found the recommened amount didn't give enough slip, hence why I add a bit of Squeegee Off.
What ratio do you use the normal Unger Liquid at? I found the recommened amount didn't give enough slip, hence why I add a bit of Squeegee Off.
@Septimus Meek I found the normal unger liquid I had to use at the recommend ratio of 1:100, so in my case I have around 5 litres of water and would need 50ml, maybe a little more. It's about £6 a bottle. I couldn't get it one time I was ordering so ordered the unger ninja liquid instead, which I think is about £9 a bottle. But I found I only needed about 25-30ml in 5 litres of water because it was so soapy, so it actually worked out cheaper to use the ninja version. I do like the ettore squeegee off though. I used to think the HG stuff they sell in B&Q was the same (same bottle and same production factory as far as a I know), but the ettore squeegee off is thick and gloopy and you don't need alot, whereas the HG version is thin like water and you need to use more of it.
@Septimus Meek I found the normal unger liquid I had to use at the recommend ratio of 1:100, so in my case I have around 5 litres of water and would need 50ml, maybe a little more. It's about £6 a bottle. I couldn't get it one time I was ordering so ordered the unger ninja liquid instead, which I think is about £9 a bottle. But I found I only needed about 25-30ml in 5 litres of water because it was so soapy, so it actually worked out cheaper to use the ninja version. I do like the ettore squeegee off though. I used to think the HG stuff they sell in B&Q was the same (same bottle and same production factory as far as a I know), but the ettore squeegee off is thick and gloopy and you don't need alot, whereas the HG version is thin like water and you need to use more of it.
Think I'll try the ninja liquid, I'd never heard of it before tbh.
Thanks for all the help guys , some real interesting comments .

I use to use Squeegy off all the time and found it really good ( never got a rash then ) . What swayed me away was a bad few weeks weather wise and i had ran out , and at £30+ a bottle it was something right at that moment i couldnt afford so i thought you know what i will get by on washing up liquid .Since then its stuck as its cheap and cheerful and it seems just as good .

But im prob finding out now the real cost of cheap and cheerful on my particular skin type .
Im tempted to still give Ecover a try though but the thought of no suds to help visually cleaning and i also think the customer likes to see a few bubbles on there windows .
Thanks for all the help guys , some real interesting comments .

I use to use Squeegy off all the time and found it really good ( never got a rash then ) . What swayed me away was a bad few weeks weather wise and i had ran out , and at £30+ a bottle it was something right at that moment i couldnt afford so i thought you know what i will get by on washing up liquid .Since then its stuck as its cheap and cheerful and it seems just as good .

But im prob finding out now the real cost of cheap and cheerful on my particular skin type .
Im tempted to still give Ecover a try though but the thought of no suds to help visually cleaning and i also think the customer likes to see a few bubbles on there windows .
You're right, people do like bubbles whether it be when having their windows cleaned or doing the washing up. The thing is bubbles/suds don't clean anything, they're just for show because people think a nice bubbly solution is what's needed. If you choose to use something like squeegee off, dip your applicator in your solution and squeeze off the excess water as normal then rub your hand up and down the applicator sleeve a couple of times and that will create more bubbles.
Razorglide from wcw works well and doesn’t dry my skin out
Also can get 10 litres for 20 odd quid so lasts forever
Brilliant on fascias also
Hi All ,
Ive used them all , posh ones , cheap ones and middle ofthe range ones lol . Been settled now for ages using white vinegar and Aldis Magnum but it MUST be the green one and ORIGINAL . Dont ask me why but the others dont seem so good . But seeing as im trad and wear shorts most of the time i have now got quite a bad rash developed on legs , not just just the leg that gets mostly wet because its on the squeegy side . Been t odocs and its been diagnosed as

Discoid eczema

Been given creams etc etc , it helps but it still itches like hell .So i want to try a more detergent free one or is there anyone out there had this experience and solved it , what are you using . I know its winter and i will be covering up then but it doesnt seem to go away as i wear waterprrofs which again make humid conditions and that in itself doesnt seem to help .

Was wondering about the ECOVER is it called but reading some post about people washing dishes some have said it doesnt sud up very well ? .

Anyone any help

Hi my son works with me and had similar on his hands so he wore black latex gloves but we now use ecover wuliquid and it’s fine.With regards to you leg I wear another large pouch under my bucket on a belt and it keeps my leg pretty dry .
Best wishes James

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