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1st job,1st clean,1st complaint


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I lid you not Jonathan, I just cut a lemon in half and applied in a circular motion.

This is due in part to our company being 'Green Window Cleaner' we use at all times the most environmentally friendly approach possible.

Wouldn't even consider a £10 bottle of some posh crap that's active ingredient is probably citric acids anyhow /emoticons/biggrin.png

ta green got ta be worth a try....and afterwards I can go suck a lemon...I have just put it on my shopping list..so far only tried clitty bang.../emoticons/biggrin.png

I lid you not Jonathan, I just cut a lemon in half and applied in a circular motion.
This is due in part to our company being 'Green Window Cleaner' we use at all times the most environmentally friendly approach possible.

Wouldn't even consider a £10 bottle of some posh **** that's active ingredient is probably citric acids anyhow /emoticons/biggrin.png
That's awesome!

Just shows what nature can do.

Kev, I spent ten minute of my life to restore a pane of glass the customer thought was a gonner, they offered me more than the usual £15 I charge for their house every month but as a true professional of customer service I declined to take it and thanked them politely. Now every time I do that house they are walking out to greet us, the kettle is always on and the £20 for the Christmas pot was a nice touch too.

We got all that for 1 lemon and 10 mins, I reckon that's a pretty sweet deal myself.

I never charge extra for first cleans,and I do each window only once scrub well and rinse well ,I always tell my first clean customers they maybe slight spotting with me cleaning the frames first clean and if there too bad call and I'll do them again for free, but they never call cause I do a fab job usually

I have 1st cleans all the time as new starting. I WFP them, i get the top frame clean as poss and scrub the frames and sills then the glass, then move to the next window and then go back to strat and give a little scrub and then wash window glass fully. If i get a mark or hard to get off bird crap, I get the unger pole with cloth on and scrub off or add a scratch pad on the unger micro to it and it gets it off. then WFP it again. The pole and cloth always gets me out of the sh*t.

I have picked up 4 cleans this week whom they had WFP users whom have flashy vans and set ups (i checked online) lol and they have asked me to come and I have great feedback and they said the guys before left spots and bird muck etc... Its the user putting in the work.

I clear all marks with cloth and scratch pad and WFP again and rinse...job done. WFP alone will not clean all windows, you have to put the work in on the first clean so going forward you are set up well.

1st cleans can b a ars i spray ubik2000 on the brush soap up all the front of the house let it settel on the glass fraims ect then scrub an rince then go the the back an do the same then i check the front to c how its dryed if needed ill just do the glass again all round then u no your safe an the spottless

Here you go Jonathan - 1 Lemon (half) and about 10 minutes.

Im givng this a go, ive got a couple of window panes on my round like this to have a go with, one this week thinking about it. Great post

Kev, I spent ten minute of my life to restore a pane of glass the customer thought was a gonner, they offered me more than the usual £15 I charge for their house every month but as a true professional of customer service I declined to take it and thanked them politely. Now every time I do that house they are walking out to greet us, the kettle is always on and the £20 for the Christmas pot was a nice touch too.
We got all that for 1 lemon and 10 mins, I reckon that's a pretty sweet deal myself.
Yeah it was a nice job it done i have to admit

I have 1st cleans all the time as new starting. I WFP them, i get the top frame clean as poss and scrub the frames and sills then the glass, then move to the next window and then go back to strat and give a little scrub and then wash window glass fully. If i get a mark or hard to get off bird ****, I get the unger pole with cloth on and scrub off or add a scratch pad on the unger micro to it and it gets it off. then WFP it again. The pole and cloth always gets me out of the sh*t.
I have picked up 4 cleans this week whom they had WFP users whom have flashy vans and set ups (i checked online) lol and they have asked me to come and I have great feedback and they said the guys before left spots and bird muck etc... Its the user putting in the work.

I clear all marks with cloth and scratch pad and WFP again and rinse...job done. WFP alone will not clean all windows, you have to put the work in on the first clean so going forward you are set up well.
First clean is always important no matter what method, 1 to show you are good and 2 to make it easier for the next time you clean them

I never charge extra for first cleans,and I do each window only once scrub well and rinse well ,I always tell my first clean customers they maybe slight spotting with me cleaning the frames first clean and if there too bad call and I'll do them again for free, but they never call cause I do a fab job usually
Depends on the price of the house, if it is a decent price i wont charge extra, lesser houses i'll charge a couple of quid extra, time is money, and that's the way any business works

Kev, I spent ten minute of my life to restore a pane of glass the customer thought was a gonner, they offered me more than the usual £15 I charge for their house every month but as a true professional of customer service I declined to take it and thanked them politely. Now every time I do that house they are walking out to greet us, the kettle is always on and the £20 for the Christmas pot was a nice touch too.
We got all that for 1 lemon and 10 mins, I reckon that's a pretty sweet deal myself.
Drinking tea and taking 10 mins to do a window, if that was anyone working for me i would be ranting and raving :laugh: i get the impression speed isn't important to you guys. There's no tea drinking on my watch, that is against my work ethics lol, speed is money, my exact words would be you've got plenty of time to drink tea when you get home, when i originally seen the window i just thought it could have been scrubbed with the abrasive bit on the end of an applicator but maybe not, the lemon done an excellent job though, i ever find myself in that situation where nothing else works i will definitely try it, since i've started doing windows it's always been about time

Depends on the price of the house, if it is a decent price i wont charge extra, lesser houses i'll charge a couple of quid extra, time is money, and that's the way any business works
In Derbyshire the place is crawling with window cleaners and I'd love to charge double but have found doubling the price on first cleans usually means you don't get the job

TWICE AS long is rite i charge normal price only if its goin to be a 4 week clean

now the vents hmmm they are very annoyin is there a way to stop the dirt from dribblin down afterwards

i just say to customers that if a we line or two appear just give me a call and il sort it out as this happens on first clean they are happy enough how many houses can people on here get round on a 9 hour shift talking normal housing estate semis here

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Viro-sol On the brush. Scrub the frame frames, tops (vents quickly). Then go back and do the glass. Today I used HG Pvc cleaner instead of viro-sol. Worked well. But you have to fined what works best for you.


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