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1st Job Done... 150ltrs and 3 hours : )


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Yeah I'm very aware of that and definitely don't want to be cheap. I've set my target at £35 to £40 per hour which is a hell of a lot more than the minimum wage I get at some of the work I do at the moment.

With regard to the first clean, well I was thinking about it last night, this house would have to be about a £20 house for a 30 minute 4 week clean, my first clean price would have been quoted at £25. If I had charged £40 maybe £50 for the first clean then I really don't think they would have agreed a clean. I'm thinking that the first clean needs to be discounted in order to get them on board and then it would be a case of you win some you lose some.

If the regular clean price would be £20 what would everybody else charge for the first clean price? It is a hell of a lot of work compared to say cleaning it again in 4 weeks, I can see it's a bit of a ball ache . I can imagine the regular cleaning being a lot faster, I'm going to clean my parents again to see how it compares.

Thanks again for the advice guys, now it's back out to the low paid stuff, hopefully not for too much longer : )

Tbh, at the moment, your not in a position where it's wise to loose out on a customer because your charging a one off double charge for the first time. You need that customer alot more than they need you at the moment. When your in a position where you have alot of customers and not really needing anymore, then you can dictate your terms more. No point loosing out in a customer who's going to pay you 12 times a year because they won't pay you double the first time. Not when you need work.
Think in my hands it could be arthritis, it's only over the last 6 months but feels like the beginning of another thing that I need to get looked at.

I have other pains all over my mid section though, just under my ribs. I've seen the doctors many times over the last few years and they just are not interested, they do tests and the last gp appointment I had he just said 'some pains are unexplained but there's nothing wrong with you... and then said it's acid reflux... which it's definitely 100% not'

Just feels like I'm banging my head against a brick wall, if I had loads of money I'd have consultations with top specialists because I know something isn't right and need to be taken seriously. You read of these people who have had to go back to their doctors multiple times because they're not believed and eventually they end up in A&E with stage 4 cancer, well that's what feels like is happening.

I just don't feel confident that when they say I'm ok, that I actually am, because these pains gradually are spreading. During the night is worse by far, I'm in pain when I sleep on my front, like stinging stabbing pains across my stomach and on my right side. So I feel tired because I can't sleep properly due to being in discomfort all night, this then probably has a knock on effect because I'm not getting the restorative sleep needed for my body to repair itself.

I look fit and healthy and it's like the doctors look at me like I'm wasting their time and resources. It's ridiculous the way they treat you when you look ok on the outside and are operating somewhat normally with your life. But I know my own body like nobody else and these pains are not in my head. The way I see it is pain is a warning sign that something isn't right.
Could these pains be stress induced? Only I remember you saying a few months ago that your were going through a pretty terrible time with your family. Stress can manifest itself in many different ways.
It’s tough starting out. Having so many first cleans takes it out of you. I handle the physical side of the job much better now 14 years later than I did in the beginning. I did have a 30 ft composite fibreglass pole back then that had a mind of its own though.
get through the first cleans, get lighter equipment, eat well, sleep well, don’t work more than 6 hrs a day( less if you can) work quicker, more efficiently and you’ll get over the hump and be sailing before you know it.
I would see a physio about your pains . Might need a simple massage or it might need treatment. I recommend taking cod liver oil/ glucosamine for arthritis . It could be just overworking . We all suffer from pains here and there comes with the territory
I'm 53 and been window cleaning for 32 years. The trick is to work short days and have decent equipment. Personally I think hot water,extreme poles and electric reels are a must for easier working days no matter what time of year.

I think this job has never been easier! No collecting and no ladders! What's not to like? Bluetooth earbuds with music/radio/audiobook,etc and crack on!

I don't find it physically tiring personally but I lift weights 3 times a week and play drums as a hobby which helps keep me fit....

Are you close to retirement age mate? Maybe that's why your suffering with aches and pains?🤔
You forgot the heated seats, Daz. 😂