Not at all @Davey G, it's all good pal, I'm comfortable with my prices, I have a very compact round, an it's growing, so I'm happy.You can not be maximising your profit for the visits made, and the work done. It's impossible. You will only get twice the price each month if you're charging very low, pint and a pasty prices, not if you're charging a professional rate. I'll explain what I mean : Most of my work is 6 weekly. Most of my jobs are between £15 and £25. Let's take an example of £20 every 6 weeks. Nobody will pay £20 every 2 weeks ie £60 every 6 weeks for a £20 house. You're doing 3 times the visits and 3 times the work.
I'm looking for the pounds, not chasing the small change. I'm very confident most of the businessmen on here are doing the same. With the greatest of respect, the phrase "Busy fool" comes to mind.
I sincerely apologise if you see this post as an insult. It's absolutely not my intention. I'm out to try and help people thrive. ?
So how do you work a 6weekly round, how many days a week, an many weeks out of the 6wek cycle are you doing?
I couldn't get away with that length of time round here, how long does it take you to do a house, it must be like a first clean each time.