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Population 100 mil++ total confirmed cases 24'800 total deaths less than 1100 - 
UK Population 67 mil -- total confirmed cases 292'950 - total deaths - 41'400 - 
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." ?

How many Pilipinos have been tested ? 

What's the classification criteria for a covd-19 death?
i.e If someone dies of say heart attack and they tested positive - how's that death attributed?(here its covid, same if someone in a carehome has died of covid then someone else in the home dies - they get/got counted as a covid death - even it no test was performed - I suspect you guys won't be doing that?!)

Your elderly will be cared for at home by the extended family - where's 'we' prefer to disown them into large dormitory's where they wait to die - or catch covid 19 ?  

Philipines has 103 million inhabitants, with less than 5% of the population 65 years and older (~<5 million)


Uk has 66 million inhabitants 18.19% 65 years and over: male 5,321,392 /female 6,518,939 (-11.8 million)

UK have more than twice the number of over 65+, at which point the likelihood of death goes thru the roof see pic)

At this stage the stat's looks like the same ball park to me ? 

2020-06-13 (2).png

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"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." ?

How many Pilipinos have been tested ? 

What's the classification criteria for a covd-19 death?
i.e If someone dies of say heart attack and they tested positive - how's that death attributed?(here its covid, same if someone in a carehome has died of covid then someone else in the home dies - they get/got counted as a covid death - even it no test was performed - I suspect you guys won't be doing that?!)

Your elderly will be cared for at home by the extended family - where's 'we' prefer to disown them into large dormitory's where they wait to die - or catch covid 19 ?  

Philipines has 103 million inhabitants, with less than 5% of the population 65 years and older (~<5 million)


Uk has 66 million inhabitants 18.19% 65 years and over: male 5,321,392 /female 6,518,939 (-11.8 million)

UK have more than twice the number of over 65+, at which point the likelihood of death goes thru the roof see pic)

At this stage the stat's looks like the same ball park to me ? 

View attachment 20957
That's not my quote

Agreed - think it's a 'bug' - if you quote a quote of someone it misleadingly ascribes it (changing the name even)

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And I quoted PT who was quoting Progreen - and in my quote 'it' changed the source of the 'quote' to PT instead of Pro green - the code obvioiusly just looks at the 'container' being quoted rather then the SOURCE - hence bug - this is what you get paid the big bucks for ? 

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Yes I know but he quoted pro greens post that was attributed to me. If you go back to the earlier posts you'll see the error.
Ah yes I see. That is a little odd although you can literally quote anything from posts and change the quote. You can even select just parts of text and quote it. Odd that the name was wrong though. Will keep an eye on this. 

Never knew about the walnut pads are they safe to use on all surfaces 
Credit- DA Components 

This innovative cleaning pad is made of polyester and organic crushed walnut shells and provides extra scrubbing/cleaning power for virtually any surface.  Walnut is a natural abrasive that delivers aggressive cleaning action but is scratch resistant so safe to use on surfaces where scratching is a concern.  Walnut pads are becoming a popular choice of cleaning pad as the open web design and thickness ensures it is tough and durable for many different uses and is suitable for glass, ceramic, porcelain, stainless steel, copper, painted surfaces and more.

Size is 6 inches x 9 inches and comes in a pack of 3


Credit- DA Components 

This innovative cleaning pad is made of polyester and organic crushed walnut shells and provides extra scrubbing/cleaning power for virtually any surface.  Walnut is a natural abrasive that delivers aggressive cleaning action but is scratch resistant so safe to use on surfaces where scratching is a concern.  Walnut pads are becoming a popular choice of cleaning pad as the open web design and thickness ensures it is tough and durable for many different uses and is suitable for glass, ceramic, porcelain, stainless steel, copper, painted surfaces and more.

Size is 6 inches x 9 inches and comes in a pack of 3

And they are anaphylactic / allergy free for those with nut allergies 

Credit- DA Components 

This innovative cleaning pad is made of polyester and organic crushed walnut shells and provides extra scrubbing/cleaning power for virtually any surface.  Walnut is a natural abrasive that delivers aggressive cleaning action but is scratch resistant so safe to use on surfaces where scratching is a concern.  Walnut pads are becoming a popular choice of cleaning pad as the open web design and thickness ensures it is tough and durable for many different uses and is suitable for glass, ceramic, porcelain, stainless steel, copper, painted surfaces and more.

Size is 6 inches x 9 inches and comes in a pack of 3

Thanks, I had a quick look last night 

Yes I know but he quoted pro greens post that was attributed to me. If you go back to the earlier posts you'll see the error.

Will keep an eye on this. 
Gav - as you can see above - PT's comment is now ascribed to YOU - it's a bug - this will happen whenever person A uses the forum's 'quote selection' button (i.e selects text with cursor and hit's the 'quote selection' button) to quote person B who is themselves quoting person C - quote C will then be ascribed to person B in the post of person A  (nested quotes bug)  

attributed to me. If you go back to the earlier posts you'll see the erro

Will keep an eye on

you can see above - PT's comment is now ascribed to YOU - it's a bug - this will happen whenever person A uses the forum's 'quote selection
Ah yes I see. So it's the selecting text and quoting that's an issue.

Really no one should be quoting a quote as if you wanted to quote a specific quote you should really quote the original posts. That's kind of how they software developers expect it to work. Which is why if you just use the quote button it will only quote your text and not any other quotes in your post. That said the free text selection isn't helping. I may have to see if we can turn that off or speak to the developers. In the mean time the best solution is to just use the quote button rather than text selection. 

That said the free text selection isn't helping. I may have to see if we can turn that off or speak to the developers.
That would be a shame to lose that functionality - it's a quick and efficient way of succinctly quoting just a phrase without bulking up a post - give the geeks a challenge to code it more robustly ?

Sometimes you may want to quote someone referring to another post - i.e a comment building and hence referring to an original post - which could be pages back. 

That's kind of how they software developers expect it to work
You've hit the nail on the head - this is how most bugs are uncovered - users do valid but unexpected things -  good coding should be 'tight' restricting unanticipated actions resulting in unwelcome results ? 

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That would be a shame to lose that functionality - it's a quick and efficient way of succinctly quoting just a phrase without bulking up a post - give the geeks a challenge to code it more robustly ?

Sometimes you may want to quote someone referring to another post - i.e a comment building and hence referring to an original post - which could be pages back. 

You've hit the nail on the head - this is how most bugs are uncovered - users do valid but unexpected things -  good coding should be 'tight' restricting unanticipated actions resulting in unwelcome results ? 
I'll get out of this conversation as my brain is starting to hurt.
