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Anyone used Ionics?


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The decent thing to do, would be to go to Ionics first, before complaining on the internet.
Give them a chance to sort it out first.

It’s what you would want if it was one of your window cleaning customers, rather than blabbing on facebook etc. 😔
The decent thing to do, would be to go to Ionics first, before complaining on the internet.
Give them a chance to sort it out first.

It’s what you would want if it was one of your window cleaning customers, rather than blabbing on facebook etc. 😔
Everyone can make a mistake it's how you deal with it that makes a good or bad company!
You obviously like their product, but haven't tried others. I'm still using a PF system, from 2011, that still works as new, that was probably half the price.
The choice for me would be a Purefreedom system. It doesn't look as pretty, but it's the footprint I would rate above looks.

Ionics try to sell innovation to businesses who don't know any better. Brodex tried to do the same. Send your van into our workshops and let us diagnose the problem. Oh, your employee reversed polarity when connecting the battery up after charging it. That's £220 for a new controller, and fitting will be £70. Then there is VAT. You can only buy this controller from us, as it's bespoke to our system.
The choice for me would be a Purefreedom system. It doesn't look as pretty, but it's the footprint I would rate above looks.

Ionics try to sell innovation to businesses who don't know any better. Brodex tried to do the same. Send your van into our workshops and let us diagnose the problem. Oh, your employee reversed polarity when connecting the battery up after charging it. That's £220 for a new controller, and fitting will be £70. Then there is VAT. You can only buy this controller from us, as it's bespoke to our system.
Also the Ionic’s set up doesn’t have frost stat something that I think is important
Very important if you have a diesel heater, which Ionics sell as well. When the temperature drops to 2 degrees, the Frostat controller switches the diesel heater on for 10 minutes to heat it up.

We do put anti freeze in the diesel heater's internal hot water circuit, so that's not the problem. It's the pure water in the other circuit that will still freeze at 0 degrees as that doesn't have antifreeze.

Depending on how the system is set up, connecting the hose reels back into the tank will mean that the hot water produced will keep the hose on our hose reels from freezing as well.
So, what you do is place a electric thermostatic controlled fan heater in the back on very cold nights. 🥶 Job done.
Yes, but when you shell out for a very expensive diesel heater, you need to take extra precautions. What happens if the electricity trips during the night and the electric heater stops working?

Remember, Ionics are in business to make money. If they don't include a frostat controller, then they have more chance of selling a replacement heat exchanger. This suggestion my not be accurate; it's just the way my mind works. Ionics also position their heat exchanger on the van's floor. It maybe 3 degrees inside the van, but the floor could still be freezing cold.

The best example I can think of is Brodex. They used to (and possibly still do) sell complete wfp systems with just a sediment filter. They say that we don't need a carbon block as our water doesn't contain any chlorine. What this means that in a short period of time the onboard 4040 membrane needs to be replaced. More business for them. Every other supplier knows there is chlorine in our water and supply a second carbon filter to remove it with their systems.
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Wow Spruce you need to calm down.
First, you could say that about ANY frost protection. Everything could fail.
It takes very low temperatures -3 and below for a very long time to damage an Ionic system. It has only happened to me once when I went away and did not put the heater in. Why do you look for the negative in everything. Nothing is bullet proof. You seem to want to knock Ionic at every turn. So my questions to you are. What is your REAL! issue with them, and what system do you use exactly.
So, what you do is place a electric thermostatic controlled fan heater in the back on very cold nights. 🥶 Job done.
Fan heaters are not a good idea, over time they suck in dust and dirt and it gets built up on the internals and can catch fire! If you are going to put a heater in the back of a van then use an oil filled rad as they are much safer.
So, what you do is place a electric thermostatic controlled fan heater in the back on very cold nights. 🥶 Job done.
We travel away a lot, for work, and don't have the capability of putting a radiator in the back of the van, so it's very important for us. Last January it was -10 overnight so that would've been next day done for us without the frost stat and recirculation.
Wow Spruce you need to calm down.
First, you could say that about ANY frost protection. Everything could fail.
It takes very low temperatures -3 and below for a very long time to damage an Ionic system. It has only happened to me once when I went away and did not put the heater in. Why do you look for the negative in everything. Nothing is bullet proof. You seem to want to knock Ionic at every turn. So my questions to you are. What is your REAL! issue with them, and what system do you use exactly.
I'm not trying to start an argument but over half your posts have been singing the praises of Ionic systems. That seems a little strange - do you have any affiliation with Ionics?

In my opinion the main problem with Ionics is the price of the kit - very often they are selling 'standard' stuff with a huge markup - i.e. their pump controllers - they are made by Spring and the same as other companies sell for half the price, they use bespoke filter systems that work same was as other systems but at a hugely inflated price. While high prices are fine if you are getting better quality, reliability or performance they are not fine when you could get the same quality, reliability and performance by spending half the money.

Personally I have a Pure Freedom system - it has worked flawlessly (apart from a 3 year old spring controller failing) for me but has it's faults, like no tank isolation so you can't clean the strainer without an empty tank.

For me, if I where to buy a diesel heater and spend that sort of money I would want the most comprehensive system I could get. An anti frost system would be on my list just for the convenience of not having to plug in an oil radiator.

Ionics do bring out some good innovations but the do seem excessively expensive for some kit.
That's what I mean.
Thats what you should do.
We better put an alert out to ALL HOUSEHOLDS!
Turn your fan heaters off dust may catch fire and and and! Mummy we are all going to die!
I nearly give up!
has the OP rang em up yet ? id wager youll be able to take ionics to the cleaners if theyve messed up,possibly want a brand new van as itll be flooded and grungy stinking for Years? youll likely never get it nice and proper unless renew everything thats been soaking all this time ,everything like the wiring loom to bits of ecu under the carpets itll still be wet now
Wow Spruce you need to calm down.
First, you could say that about ANY frost protection. Everything could fail.
It takes very low temperatures -3 and below for a very long time to damage an Ionic system. It has only happened to me once when I went away and did not put the heater in. Why do you look for the negative in everything. Nothing is bullet proof. You seem to want to knock Ionic at every turn. So my questions to you are. What is your REAL! issue with them, and what system do you use exactly.
I honestly don't have a problem with them at all. It's just that I don't have any desire to pay way over the odds for the same equipment I can buy elsewhere cheaper.

We singled out WFP controllers as an example. It was @Pjj who mentioned their controllers don't have frostat, not me. He has an Ionics in one of his vans. I was merely agreeing with him and giving a reason why it's important if you have a diesel heater. @Part Timer has added another good reason why a frostat is important to him. These are all valid reasons. There is nothing stopping anyone with an Ionics' system buying a Frostat controller elsewhere and fitting it to their Ionics system.

I'm impressed with some of Ionics' innovations. Ionics have developed a process of being able to prevent the Webasto heater from switching off and restarting when in use, which is a problem for most diesel heater hot water users. All of their systems are very well made.

Sorry if you feel I look for the negative in everything. You have the option on the forum to block any of my posts. Suppliers will always promote the benefits of buying their product, never mentioning any negatives. Some of us on here will point out some of the cons of using the product.
But thats just it, pointing out the cons only on the whole. What about the pro,s.
When I take a look at these forums mostly people moaning about the cost, I will say it again Ionics are the best by far for a complete system. All the others are just cheaper copies, or even worse DIY which yes I hate! Cowboys jumping on the back of professional window cleaners. I am sick and tired of following in the footsteps of these chancers. Quality is the word we are looking for here. I am fed up with the fact that they, Ionics keep being labelled as expensive. Maybe they are but you have to remember they have a factory and staff to pay, they are a business and need to make a profit just like all of us. Or they will not be there anymore will they. I am thankful that they gave me an opportunity to change career and earn a good living. Let's face it with the qualifications that most of us have, what else could you do to earn the money that you do. Many window cleaners charge far too much for far too little these days, In fact poor quality work, and then moan that a company like Ionic want a little back for equipment. Equipment that earns a window cleaner a good wage. How much money do you expect to throw at Ionics a year. Let me tell you in the last 3 years I have spent hardly anything except around £300 a year on filters. I spend more with Gardners!
Over 20 years a £20,000 system works out at £1,000 a year. OK only say 10 years, then it is £2,000 a year. Plus any repairs over the 20 years The ROs x2 should last 6 maybe 8 years the webasto may need repairing after 5/8 years taking into account how much you will earn over the 10/ 20 years. Also interest on your loan.
I know in these hard times it is difficult for many but as I said before if you can buy the best, it will pay you back the best!
But thats just it, pointing out the cons only on the whole. What about the pro,s.
When I take a look at these forums mostly people moaning about the cost, I will say it again Ionics are the best by far for a complete system. All the others are just cheaper copies, or even worse DIY which yes I hate! Cowboys jumping on the back of professional window cleaners. I am sick and tired of following in the footsteps of these chancers. Quality is the word we are looking for here. I am fed up with the fact that they, Ionics keep being labelled as expensive. Maybe they are but you have to remember they have a factory and staff to pay, they are a business and need to make a profit just like all of us. Or they will not be there anymore will they. I am thankful that they gave me an opportunity to change career and earn a good living. Let's face it with the qualifications that most of us have, what else could you do to earn the money that you do. Many window cleaners charge far too much for far too little these days, In fact poor quality work, and then moan that a company like Ionic want a little back for equipment. Equipment that earns a window cleaner a good wage. How much money do you expect to throw at Ionics a year. Let me tell you in the last 3 years I have spent hardly anything except around £300 a year on filters. I spend more with Gardners!
Over 20 years a £20,000 system works out at £1,000 a year. OK only say 10 years, then it is £2,000 a year. Plus any repairs over the 20 years The ROs x2 should last 6 maybe 8 years the webasto may need repairing after 5/8 years taking into account how much you will earn over the 10/ 20 years. Also interest on your loan.
I know in these hard times it is difficult for many but as I said before if you can buy the best, it will pay you back the best!
But this is the thing, what are they actually manufacturing. Probably buying in 95% of their equipment, and bolting it together doesn't really make it a manufacturing company. Pure Freedom were part of a manufacturing company. They made their own frames and made, in my opinion, by far and away the best electric reel on the market, which I believe was more expensive than Ionics attempt.
Yet Ionics "cheap" division, Pure 2O offer to match any other prices of their competitors so can be cheap when they want to be.
But thats just it, pointing out the cons only on the whole. What about the pro,s.
When I take a look at these forums mostly people moaning about the cost, I will say it again Ionics are the best by far for a complete system. All the others are just cheaper copies, or even worse DIY which yes I hate! Cowboys jumping on the back of professional window cleaners. I am sick and tired of following in the footsteps of these chancers. Quality is the word we are looking for here. I am fed up with the fact that they, Ionics keep being labelled as expensive. Maybe they are but you have to remember they have a factory and staff to pay, they are a business and need to make a profit just like all of us. Or they will not be there anymore will they. I am thankful that they gave me an opportunity to change career and earn a good living. Let's face it with the qualifications that most of us have, what else could you do to earn the money that you do. Many window cleaners charge far too much for far too little these days, In fact poor quality work, and then moan that a company like Ionic want a little back for equipment. Equipment that earns a window cleaner a good wage. How much money do you expect to throw at Ionics a year. Let me tell you in the last 3 years I have spent hardly anything except around £300 a year on filters. I spend more with Gardners!
Over 20 years a £20,000 system works out at £1,000 a year. OK only say 10 years, then it is £2,000 a year. Plus any repairs over the 20 years The ROs x2 should last 6 maybe 8 years the webasto may need repairing after 5/8 years taking into account how much you will earn over the 10/ 20 years. Also interest on your loan.
I know in these hard times it is difficult for many but as I said before if you can buy the best, it will pay you back the best!
Ionics kit is very good I have 4 of there systems, and for a well established firm the cost is irrelevant, but for ones starting out paying there exorbitant prices quite often isn’t an option , there customer service isn’t great either , I had to threaten court action and get trading standards involved before they would replace a filter that exploded the first time it was put on the system the end cap wasn’t glued on properly and it flooded out my van , no compensation for lost time and inconvenience I had to fight to get the filter replaced , so they aren’t that good . But I do like there kit and still have one of there systems in a van that was bought in 2003 . From the way you talk about them you would think you worked for them 😂😂😂 say hi to Craig and Ruben for me . Is Patrick still there ?