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Anyone who uses 'vision' had spotting issues?


Help Support WCF:

I'm interested to know those who are trying vision was there a problem you are trying to overcome or is it just out of interest and curiosity that you are trying it.

I'm interested to know those who are trying vision was there a problem you are trying to overcome or is it just out of interest and curiosity that you are trying it.
It was curiosity for me! I have been back on pure alone since the new year! I just thought i would give it a try out!

It was curiosity for me! I have been back on pure alone since the new year! I just thought i would give it a try out!
Same here. I was expecting a lot less rinsing and glass sheeting all over the place. It doesn't seem to froth on phobic glass for me and the glass still beads.

Most of the bottle contents spilt out in the back of my van as the plunger top leaks as I found out :rolleyes:

I also hate the smell of fooking oranges now too /emoticons/biggrin.png

Most of the bottle contents spilt out in the back of my van as the plunger top leaks as I found out :rolleyes:
I also hate the smell of fooking oranges now too /emoticons/biggrin.png
I lost a good part of my bottle also.

I tried it to see if it helped rinsing....still beads bad. Ill finish bottle and decide if I am getting any more. It does shine more

my apologies for the plunger,they seemed good at first,they are expensive but turned out to be overpriced tat in my opinion,it is being worked on as we speak,for those who have lost some vision because of this,i will send some out to you to replace the loss,just pm me your address-please don't abuse this offer though guys,

with regards to spotting,it was something i was suprised to hear about,i have been observing the windows i clean over the last couple of weeks just to fathom this out (not had an issue with spotting with vision so i was concerned)just wanted to bottom this out user error is an easy answer to give and not the right one in this case,(i haven't used pure for over four years now so its difficult to remember my teething problems)vision is a very "searching" cleaner as in it will find and leach dirt from the windows and framework that pure alone wouldn't/can't remove so a bit of spotting would occur at first,the spotting isn't down to the way you work guys its just vision is pulling more dirt out than before,i am using vision from the same batch as you are so any issues can be seen very quick and i am having none of those problems-SO the way forward may be to treat using vision as a first clean on a home,

vision is a very "searching" cleaner as in it will find and leach dirt from the windows and framework that pure alone wouldn't/can't remove so a bit of spotting would occur at first
Pure, in my opinion gives a pretty deep clean, if vision is doing more so then are we saying that pure doesn't work? There can not be that much dirt that pure is missing.

depends on what you've read or been told,listening to the major suppliers that could well be the case,pure does clean well but then consider ppb?-was close to that a couple of years ago pphhhfff
Which major suppliers are saying that pure doesn't work?

Pure, in my opinion gives a pretty deep clean, if vision is doing more so then are we saying that pure doesn't work? There can not be that much dirt that pure is missing.
But how many people who tried vision had a problem in the first place? By that I mean before using vision.

But how many people who tried vision had a problem in the first place? By that I mean before using vision.
Not me Seye, I'm proud of the high standard of work I produce with pure and trade on the fact I use it.

That's why I never tried it because I have no problems and that's the point why try and fix a problem that's not there, it's only going to go one way.

I object to being told that pure does a lesser job than using vision, because vision removes dirt that pure can't. I am interested in the major suppliers who agree with this statement as most have built their businesses on the strengths of using pure.

That's why I never tried it because I have no problems and that's the point why try and fix a problem that's not there, it's only going to go one way.
i agree to some degree,pure works,but there has to be a progression whether its something like vision or not,the industry can't stop forever just useing pure
I object to being told that pure does a lesser job than using vision, because vision removes dirt that pure can't. I am interested in the major suppliers who agree with this statement as most have built their businesses on the strengths of using pure.
ionics with there ppb implied that just useing pure at ppm does a leser job,thats what i glean from the advertising blurb

i agree to some degree,pure works,but there has to be a progression whether its something like vision or not,the industry can't stop forever just useing pure
I'm not saying there should be no progression.

Ionics are saying that they can produce purer pure. They aren't adding anything to the tank, so pure still works. Who are the other suppliers?

I don't understand there's nothing to progress with when the objective is achieved with just pure and the targeted results are achieved with just pure. I'm not anti vision its just I cant get my head round fixing a problem that's not there.
