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Astra van gone zonk!


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Don't pay dealer prices!!!!! Think of it as 1 payment on a newer van. If you cant fit it yourself. Phone about. Easy job for a mechanic

I was more time tunnel, biology, the rocket was good

Then seduction all weekenders and world fance lydd airport and wembley

How i am still alive i don't know

I was at the free hyde park one back in the day when the police made raves illegal

Piece of piss to fit

Don't pay dealer prices!!!!! Think of it as 1 payment on a newer van. If you cant fit it yourself. Phone about. Easy job for a mechanic
Your first mistake was going to a main dealer for a repair! Anything out of warranty should never go back to a main dealer. They can often charge 3x the labour rate of a great local mechanics

My mate in edgware would do it a whole lot cheaper..premier autos on edgware road

Oh ok. Cool. I lived in Harrow Weald. Not far from Salvo. I went to Gayton High.
That high price was from Vauxhall proper thou! I wouldn't get it done there. Did think bout getting from breakers, but also spent £500 on it just last month, so been weighing up the odds. Cheers Dave.

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Whilst it could just be a turbo failure, the reasons for the failure need to be investigated and corrected where necessary.

I'm not up to date on the Vauxhall engine, but turbo failures on the psa/ford turbos are related to oil starvation, incorrect oil used during servicing, or incorrect procedures followed when draining the old oil from the sump when servicing. A blown turbo also requires replacement oil supply piping and the oil feed suck up filter in the oil pan to be cleaned/replaced. This also could be a new oil pump as well.

Ignoring these checks and repairs will mean the a replacement turbo won't last long before it fails again on these engines. Whilst the 1.6 hdi is commonly associated with this problem, it also effects the 2.0 hdi as well.

I'm Edgware born and bred, mate. Btw...I only took it to Vauxhall cos my mechanic couldn't find the prob.

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If you're around my age i may know you then lol

40 on friday

Used to hang around deansbrook area and broadfields when i moved to west Hendon and did my last school years at edgware school on green lane

Very small world innit

Crikey, lol very small world, Dave. I was brought up on Berridge Estate Masons Arms downward past old bill station at bottom of the high St

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Berridge estate

By camrose ave?

Which one is the masons?

Not been there for a while

Is it the one opposite station road on the crossroads?

I used to drink in the sparrowhawk

Been raided a few times while i was in there lol

I used to drink more round colindale or wembley

I went to Little Stanmore Middle School ( Now back to its original name, Chandos). All my friends went on to Canons High from there, but we moved to Harrow Weald at that point. I'm 45 Dave. Some names I grew up with....Neil Jones, Tommy Fox, Craig Thomas, Jason Puzey, Samantha Puzey, Ronnie Barns, Paul & Emma Morson, Paul & Kimberly Dark, Jason Spetch, Paul Meakin...just a few...

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My mum lives on graham park..well rhe houses that back on to blundell park rather than the actual flats

Some of them sound familiar

I hung around more with the deansbrook and hendon lot

The gillings john matthew colin


Mark thaxter


Matthew white (chalky)

We probably know the same people lol

I know most people my age from round there but they all have younger and older siblings

My brotheris 6 yrs younger than me butknows a lot of them through their younger ones

Had some good nights in harrow weald

Used to get drunk with the mad paddys in the case is altered

Mum and her husband pete used to play for the darts team there
