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Aworker HELP!!!


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Poles Apart

Well-known member
Just registered for a 6 week free trial but where do start I don't even know how you add jobs, thought me mate tlwcs was coming round today was gonna ask him but he never showed:(

I have been using aworka for 3 years and it's awesome. I do remember though that I had the same trouble when first using it. I will ask the wife, she remembers everything God damn it!

Mate, my arse.

Had a few problems with the l5 and spent the day taking it all out again

She just said we emailed him a spreadsheet as at the time I had 400 odd houses. He then uploaded them for me. Think there is contact information on the site! Hope that helps

Why aworka?

You should try round partner free for 6 weeks

If you like it stay with it or swap to cleaner planner and they can use the csv file of your customers to input them for you

She just said we emailed him a spreadsheet as at the time I had 400 odd houses. He then uploaded them for me. Think there is contact information on the site! Hope that helps
Okay mate thanks I'll get there just need time to have a good look

Just registered for a 6 week free trial but where do start I don't even know how you add jobs, thought me mate tlwcs was coming round today was gonna ask him but he never showed:(

Great choice.

Email Chris and tell him how you work (spreadsheet?) and he will normally transfer your work into Aworka.

Pure hydro also uses it, but the best way to learn it is play around with it.

If you need any help, ring William..

Great choice.Email Chris and tell him how you work (spreadsheet?) and he will normally transfer your work into Aworka.

Pure hydro also uses it, but the best way to learn it is play around with it.

If you need any help, ring William..
OK Tone I'll get Hydro on the case don't know where he's gone.

Going with George it's one off payment and I don't want added distraction of conducting my round on a moby much prefer pen and book on the job and sort round out on lappy.


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