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Back to work after Vasectomy


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Rich ard

Well-known member
Hi all just wondering if anybody has had a vasectomy? And how soon you were able to work after just had appointment confirmed for 2 weeks time so just hoping I can get back to it after the weekend if it's done on the Friday or if I need to be moving work around. All wfp no ladders.
No not at all. Obviously don't want people touching my bits but no just want to be back at work after the weekend.
That’s good. Honestly I found having a tooth pulled far far worse. Never felt a thing. The guy who did mine told me before he started that he knew of a doctor who did his own vasectomy! That broke the ice and settled me down.
That’s good. Honestly I found having a tooth pulled far far worse. Never felt a thing. The guy who did mine told me before he started that he knew of a doctor who did his own vasectomy! That broke the ice and settled me down.

What was the injection like? Assuming it's straight into the testicules
? My first thought was laying down on a table with my bits out as it was a woman who did mine, but her and husband had been doing them for years at a local surgery, once in it didn't bother me and was done and dusted quite quickly
Which was all fine until you looked around and realised you were in the local pub

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