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Bloody nerve


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Christ I'm glad I live where I do. We all get on fine. There's 7 of us even thinking of having a window cleaning drink next week. I have customers who show me leaflets of other window cleaners they have received. It's life in afraid & if your doing a good job & regular as you can be there stick with you. One day you may leaflet or doorknock someone's road. I've actually leaflet a street & then saw a window cleaner. I just stopped & went to the next street.


Pulled on this cul De sac today and noticed a window cleaner the other end of the road , got my wfp out and walked towards the house I was cleaning then noticed this guy leaflet dropping next door , he turned to me and said " better not put a window cleaning leaflet through that door " I said yei m8 dam right you better not ! He returned to his car and took his ladder off and disappeared, , sorry but in the same situation I'd of walked away and simply said nothing , looking back I really wish I'd of confronted him more
Sorry if I've miss read this, but to be honest it sounds to me as if the guy was just having a bit of banter with you? and to be honest I'd of probably said something similar, rather than keep my head down feeling awkward? But what would have caused some tension would have been your response " yei m8 dam right you better not !", Im just starting out and I'm my opinion its down to customer choice? I live in a town with around 7 different window cleaning companies operating, am I wrong in thinking I should be able to canvas wherever I choose? I say again is it not down to customer choice? When I canvas, I'm not interested in knowing what other cleaners charge, I'm not going to play the undercutting game as I believe this will only cause hard feelings, I quote what I think the jobs worth and if I win the business then great , if I don't then hey ho theres always plenty of other doors to try? I worked for a guy who went in low when he started, undercutting the comp etc, years later he's doing well but he's got a bad rep with other cleaners and has plenty of customers where the price is to low and he resents doing them. Like I said, I'm just starting out so if I've got this wrong then please feel free to let me know?

The bloke stared at me for like 30 seconds m8 and I don't meen watched me he actually was fronting me out, I'm a decent bloke and if I was going to say hello I'd say it not put a barrier up between strangers by trying to have a staring competition , I've been in this game a long time and over the years I've made very very good friends who are window cleaners and I've met others who I talk to for hours ,I've also met the idiots who act hard and try it on I've even had my family threatened and been told I'm going to have my car and home burned to the ground, nowadays I really don't take this stuff anymore and if someone gives me grief I simply end it , thus bloke knew he he was being a smart ass but he won't do it again it's simple to me you haven't started out yet and met some off the idiots this game atttacts

Fair comment bud, its rude to stare lol, seems so strange to me that there are people out there who are such idiot's? All we all want to do is make a living and get on with it. I for one don't need the hassle, but I suppose ill just have to deal with it as it comes o_O.

Fair comment bud, its rude to stare lol, seems so strange to me that there are people out there who are such idiot's? All we all want to do is make a living and get on with it. I for one don't need the hassle, but I suppose ill just have to deal with it as it comes o_O.
I've picked up new customers and given them to guys who clean near it and others have given me jobs , 90% of the window cleaners you meet are lovely guys who I have alot of time for its only a hand few that want to fight and try it on

Btw love the name cleandows /emoticons/smile.png good thinking never heard that before /emoticons/smile.png

Not trying to sound like Billy Rock but I've been brought up to think that if your doing the right thing by yourself and other people, then don't be afraid to fright for it, so if some tool has a problem with me trying to provide for the family then that's going to be his problem. Guess I'll just have to wait and see? :thumbsup:

Btw love the name cleandows /emoticons/smile.png good thinking never heard that before /emoticons/smile.png
Thanks abs, that means a lot coming from somebody with your experience :thumbsup:

never had any real problems like that as i hide most of the time....:hiding:

i have mentioned the last time it happened on here previously it was corwoods a well known company around here canvasing the big houses with their hot water wash system and the guy saw me getting my ladders off and had the decency to come and ask which houses i cleaned and said he would leave them...as it happens i only do one there anyway...so some people are okay...:Dmost of the work i have is what other windys dont want anyway...

Not trying to sound like Billy Rock but I've been brought up to think that if your doing the right thing by yourself and other people, then don't be afraid to fright for it, so if some tool has a problem with me trying to provide for the family then that's going to be his problem. Guess I'll just have to wait and see? :thumbsup:
Know exactly what you mean m8, in 27 years I've had 3 fights and possibly 7-8 shouting matches,, things are not like they were 20 years ago window cleaning used to be a tool for drunks to get there can money and attracted many fools .This is still the case in places but most are now respectable business owners so attitudes towards each other has changed so hopefully you will only meet good guys

I had my nose broken by a guy who was working the same area as me while i was subbing for a company

He knocked a door she thought he was one of us so said ok 8 pound right

He says ok and cleans then i turn up and she says your lot have already done it

Next thing i know i see him in the same road and he shouts are you a window cleaner

I open my car window and say yes

He pulls door open and kicks me right in the face

He was a kickboxer

He didn't realise that i could defend myself..lol

Once had a big black lad come up to me on this street saying I was cleaning his houses and he wanted to see my book , I told him I'd been doing these houses for 3 years so he was talking crap , he actually payed for a round from some stranger in a pud without even checking , half the houses he had were my customers and I even took him to a customers house and knocked on to prove I'd been doing it years , all his anger was pointed towards me and we had a huge fight that lasted 20 mins and left us both cut bruised and bleeding and both exhausted he left swearing to kill my family and burn my house down , I was 17 so luckily not seen him since

Some people are ars eholes

I would feel sorry for him but he should have checked it out before he bought it

I've never had an issue with any other cleaners I've meet which is quite a few and we all seem to get on well. However best just take what they say with a pinch of salt though as most will talk bollocks including myself./emoticons/biggrin.png

I've never had an issue with any other cleaners I've meet which is quite a few and we all seem to get on well. However best just take what they say with a pinch of salt though as most will talk bollocks including myself./emoticons/biggrin.png
True this is the Internet after all and for all you lot know I could be called jane work in a cafe be 18 years old and never cleaned a window in my life and you could be just a Google freak who answers everything intelligently because you searched google couldn't you smurf ? Or is it Rebecca ?
