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Burglary and Security


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My ladders are kept on my van overnight, there's no ladder clamps so it would take someone about 3 seconds to get them off if they wanted too. My equipment is in the front garden in a storage box that I haven't got padlocked. Never had an issue with anyone trying to take anything. We have a bit more manners than our cousins down south though.
Very foolish IMO....get some padlocks!why make it easier for them?it'll cost you one day mate...
Try going to Belfast, usually go over every year, before they used to set the bonfire up, the one I went to had 4 guys coming out from behind an alley with ak47s and a sub machine gun type of thing. One guy used to say a few words then the others used to shoot the weapons up in the air with the Police turning a blind eye to it. That kind of thing was normal and happened at most bonfires across the country with police not going anywhere near them.
Very foolish IMO....get some padlocks!why make it easier for them?it'll cost you one day mate...

Has been that way for years, it's pure laziness not taking the ladders off as it literally takes seconds as they aren't secured with clamps. Van is on the street aswell as the garden is grass. No doubt il wake up one morning and there gone.
I'm not sure if this would be logisticly possible, but if say the people down south got made to spend a year or 2 of their upbringing up here to learn them how to behave and have good manners and morals then it could go a long way in helping future generations not having people try Rob them down there. Aslong as they can avoid the drugs up here, seeing how it has the worst death rate in Europe for drug deaths then they have half a chance.
How about starting with some spelling lessons?....and "learn how to behave"? ....haha the irony of it.
So what, be taught to hate England, blame the English for everything, whinge continually while letting England pay your bills.
After the Darien fiasco we still bailed you out and let you join the Union. As far as I can see the only thing Scotland brings to the table is the blue in the Union Jack.
(For those not aware of the Scots ill fated attempt to stitch up England, you really should look up about the Darien Scheme in late 17th century...and btw I'm not anti Scottish I know some Scots and they're top people but I am anti any excuse to start bashing the English)
Even in Glasgows rough parts, you would be fine walking through minding your own business.
Being an unknown face and 6'5", on a good day I would attract attention from the nutcases. Had many a night in Merchant City and had plenty of little drunk ? trying to be clever.
Admittedly this happens everywhere but trying to portray Glaswegian smackheads as good law abiding citizens is pushing the boundaries.
Being an unknown face and 6'5", on a good day I would attract attention from the nutcases. Had many a night in Merchant City and had plenty of little drunk ? trying to be clever.
Admittedly this happens everywhere but trying to portray Glaswegian smackheads as good law abiding citizens is pushing the boundaries.

I'd say cocaine is a bigger problem now than the smackheads. Smackheads seem to be a dying breed, not that much younger people as before are taking it. All the mental health stuff that's been brought to attention the last few years. Alot of that is down to cocaine use, its sending people loopy. I'm not going to lie and say I've not tried it, I got stuff in Mexico when over and you could sleep on it etc, completly different to the guff you get here.The stuff over here has you sitting on edge, the fridge makes a noise and itl make you jump. I didn't like it tbh so I don't take it. I know a good few people it's sent loopy with paranoia though. It's not nice to see.
Sensor alarms from Amazon mobile so can move around .
i got 2 but had to stop them as dog sets them off when mrs lets him out for his last crap .when im in bed
you plug into plug socket and they sound like a loud doorbell. different sounds
Place them anywhere on route to shed door