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Buying a round.


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I've had a call from a local window cleaner who's selling part of his round. I've not spoken to him but I've been told told he's looking for around 3k for £800 per month of work.

The thing that concerns me is the customers staying with me if I pull the trigger and go for it?

Has anyone got any advice please on buying rounds? The pitfalls or positives.

Cheers in advance.

I've bought 4 rounds , one round was x3 solid work that got me into the game , bought another round x3, it was even better work again, another round was x7 it had the odd customer who I just knew straight away would be hassle , last round was 50 quid dearer for what the round was worth a month... you will lose the odd house due to people not wanting there windows done in the first place and to embarrassed to say to their current window cleaner and really not giving a **** if they are cleaned in the first place. It's well worth buying a round as straight away your business is straight into the mouths of new customers that will continue to make the business branch out
