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Starting or own a window cleaning business? We're a network of window cleaners sharing advice, tips & experience. Rounds for sale & more. Join us today!



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Hi I'm a window cleaner myself and canvas for other window cleaners my price is 2.4 the price of the job and then - 15% to cover customer drop off I canvas good work no concil houses with typical "sorry can pay later because I don't get paid till Friday " .
I canvas work I would want myself in my area with no job under £10 typical small new build £15 if conservatory £20 country house £20 big house 4-6bed £25 to £30 all
Cream work. If interested what's app or call
07715 439667 I'm john forbes.
Hi I'm a window cleaner myself and canvas for other window cleaners my price is 2.4 the price of the job and then - 15% to cover customer drop off I canvas good work no concil houses with typical "sorry can pay later because I don't get paid till Friday " .
I canvas work I would want myself in my area with no job under £10 typical small new build £15 if conservatory £20 country house £20 big house 4-6bed £25 to £30 all
Cream work. If interested what's app or call
07715 439667 I'm john forbes.
Cream work 4-6 bed houses £25-30 ,sounds like sour cream to me