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Changing pump over in trolley pump box?


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This is my trolley pump set. Trying to change to pump over.   How do I do get those rusted clip things on the yellow hose from pump off.  Is that hose mini bore. I need to hook new pump in other picture.  How do u do that? 



The clips look like crimps, cut them off or try to open them up if I want to attempt to re use them.

The rest of your question is self explanatory take the pump out and put the new one in. 

The barbs on these chinese pumps are either 8 or 10mm can't remember.

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I use a 5lpm version of these pumps on my trolley and it does a great job. The only problem I've had is that the microswitches seem to burn out very quickly and it's next door to impossible to source a replacement. I've had to modify the cover on mine to hold the regular three terminal microswitches that are more readily available. However, I still got fed up with changing them every couple of months.  So following advice on the forums I have now fitted a 40amp automotive relay into the wiring to take the load off the microswitch. So far it seems to have worked a treat.

Looking at you first photo, it looks like you could do with re-siting the pump in that box as you have a nice fold in the inlet hose which could couse early pump failure as the pump will struggle to pull water through it.
