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Cleaning in the rain....Is this accurate ?


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The info is solid Leicester but she's grinning like shes dropped something the law would consider a no no.

TBH i think she comes across a little condescending, and she talks about 'We clean this and WE clean that, she looks like she has never cleaned a window in her life (no offence just my opinion)

Put her hair in a pony tail, wipe off the make up stick her in a company tshirt or hoody and go again with less grinning.

Overall love the idea. I think you onto something there.

I find it to be a lot quicker, some customers don't like it at all though. Find the ones that aren't bothered and do theirs if it is forecast rain.
.....and do the windows of the ones who are out working all day.

This sounds like a marketing video put out by an employer to his customers explaining in a nice way that they will be working in the light rain. After all, they have wages to pay, business overheads and expenses, etc. Then there is the little guarantee; don't worry, if there is a problem they will come back and rectify it free of charge.

Since when do we have torrential rain in the UK? Not very often. But we can have days of light on and off rain/drizzle or intermittent showers.

I personally hate working in inclement weather. I hate a wet pole, I hate the pole hose picking up all that dirt and transferring it into the inside of the pole. Then I have to get into my van with wet coats and the cloth seats in my van get wet. Those seats can stay wet of days and start to smell damp. I hate it when my glasses get wet and I keep having to dry them off so I can see what I'm doing for the next few moments. And I also know that some of my customer's don't like it.

I watched a window cleaner who works for one of the local big window cleaning companies. The driver has to pay a weekly rent on the van he uses. He also has a workmate that he has to employee and pay from the round's earnings. He also has to pay for the fuel for the van as well. The only reason they were working in torrential rain is to cover their overheads. It just didn't feel right to me. It just smacks of desperation.

I realise that some have no choice such on the west side of the country that gets more rain than we do on the eastern side. Maybe then I would have to reappraise my feelings, put waterproof seat covers on the van seats and run my pole hose on the outside of my pole or find an indoor job./emoticons/smile.png

No one has picked up on the fact she said blah blah rain water is the same as our pure water. Me the customer hope it rains today save my self a £10 as I can have pure water on my windows for free.

No one has picked up on the fact she said blah blah rain water is the same as our pure water. Me the customer hope it rains today save my self a £10 as I can have pure water on my windows for free.
This is true, unless the rain falling is mixing with other contaminates. I guess we don't have to worry about what Redcar Steel Works is pumping out into the atmosphere (lots of red dust at one time brought down with the rain) in our area any longer but we occasionally get the aftermath of Sahara sand storms.

So yes, the rain in our area is cleaner than it was.

I would think rain water would not be 00 TDs which would probably make her statement untrue. Unless there not using 00 tds water

I would think rain water would not be 00 TDs which would probably make her statement untrue. Unless there not using 00 tds water
Ours is 2 ppm if taken directly from the heavens, 4 if taken from the garage roof with clean gutters and 27 if taken from the house roof. The roof tiles are old.

I doubt she has ever touched a window cleaning pole in her life, reading off a autocue with all that non required arm movements make it look bad IMO.

I wouldn't mind her in the back of my van mind you to look after me on my lunch break /emoticons/wink.png

What the ???

Who is this aimed at ?

Any customer that is sad enough to you tube ' is it ok to clean windows in the rain ' should be struck off the round immediately
