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Commercial Job Quote Advice


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yeh i hate it when they say can you do insides...some times you just have to do these things...i gotta do one tomorrow and he wants all the upvc washed down .....and he most likely will be in...hes on call. ....hes a pilot...lets hope they call him...if i was left alone i dont mind but someone in :specs not my style..
mind you had a biggish one today in the middle of nowhere ..i have left the cheque as we will be out....and she had...so quite happy and then a car pulls up...and then another...dont know who they were but it just goes to show you can not rely on what people say..it went okay though as they didnt know what time i had arrived../emoticons/smile.png

i have said i am not insured for insides a few times...:rolleyes: i had one who just wanted a few insides done whilst her husband wasnt there ...i did a runner..

is your avatar nev...just been watching it....
He's ace ain't he cnc. Check this out and buy yourself a T-shirt for a fiver http://shop.nevillewilshire.com

i bloomin cant find a scraper where i can change the blade for my life....it sends me mad...every time i go to change the blade i have to get out the pliers and usually break the blade carrier..grrrr god i shake whenever i see the blade..i have sliced my poor digit a fair few times.../emoticons/sad.png

i could do with the ebay link you put up for a tenner for the magic sponges as they fall to pieces easy...

that nev dont miss a trick...he is great though...bigggg fan

er kinda fancy the tea girl too...dont tell the wife...

a t shirt for a fiver ...cant be bad...

i bloomin cant find a scraper where i can change the blade for my life....it sends me mad...every time i go to change the blade i have to get out the pliers and usually break the blade carrier..grrrr god i shake whenever i see the blade..i have sliced my poor digit a fair few times.../emoticons/sad.png
i could do with the ebay link you put up for a tenner for the magic sponges as they fall to pieces easy...

that nev dont miss a trick...he is great though...bigggg fan

er kinda fancy the tea girl too...dont tell the wife...

a tea shirt for a fiver ...cant be bad...
I would post the link cnc but my eBay account has been hacked :confused:

many thanks for that gonna order now....i ordered a 100 stainless steel blades originally so that is great for me..thanks again./emoticons/smile.png

where do you order from.?if thats not too nosey...

Well I quoted it via email...2.5 times what the outside was quoted. She emailed me back in the afternoon to ask "is that per visit or a yearly quote". I told her it was per visit and haven't heard back yet /emoticons/smile.png

I don't hold much hope, but at the end of the day I can't do a job like that for peanuts!

I can hardly walk at the mo let alone run /emoticons/biggrin.png

Smurf you need to stop running away from work lol

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ta duncs will have a look...unger here i come.../emoticons/smile.png smurffy not be running anywhere with his flat toe....
Call @Smurf in for a window cleaning job on a big commercial property, he turns up as he comes up to the door of the building he turns round and legs it !!! F that I'm off !! Lolol smurf you crack me up /emoticons/smile.png

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Probably because I realise it's going to be too much like hard work for the reward for an old timer like me. Most only want to pay peanuts anyway so I prefer not to be anyone’s monkey now.

Call @Smurf in for a window cleaning job on a big commercial property, he turns up as he comes up to the door of the building he turns round and legs it !!! F that I'm off !! Lolol smurf you crack me up /emoticons/smile.png

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