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DIY rinse bar with flocked brush


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To be honest I thought it was the constructor brush from the video. How did you get on with it ? Looks good from the video

Good! Interesting video. So how did it work out?

Problem with today was that none of the windows had dried by the time I left! Not that I'm fast ... I'm anything but fast!. It was the dampness and mist in the air.

Can you tell us where you got the rinse bar from?

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I got on well with it, better than I thought.

Its a very different way of cleaning windows compared to pencil or fan jets but I enjoyed the change. With it being new it slowed me down and I don't think this rinse bar is working fast with physically, having said that I still finished at the same time as usual. I feel less fatigued as not having to hold the pole off the windows for rinsing, I think after a few weeks with it, it could end up being a slightly quicker method.

I'm not sure about the flocked brush though, a bit soft for me but loads better on the leaded windows.

This is the listing for the rinse bar


One thing I wasn't pleased with was the flow from the jets was not even, the two end jets out of 9 jets were giving less flow than the rest, probably due to lack of pressure in the 9mm spray bar. Couldn't find any smaller diameter that  was pre-drilled, and I don't have anything to hold a tube steady whilst drilling the holes straight.
