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Do newbies really want to learn?


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the only one working with me is frank as some of his antics make me laugh../emoticons/biggrin.png

if it was someone starting work for you long term that I can understand but just showing a newbie how to clean...no chance.

there isnt a shortage of windies around me....:rolleyes:

thats intresting- was it a good earner? [generally speaking] / i ask because i started a domestic cleaning biz as a favour for an aquaintance but she let me down 2 months in, i sensed it COULD have been a good earning business to be in
It can be a very good earner m8 pubs are genuinely around £60 a week profit and more from shops and offices, but it's the hassle of employers letting you down that we found the killer , the money for us didn't out way the hassle so over 2 years it was all scaled down to nothing.

I only did traditional for maybe 3 months before going WFP, never found traditional difficult, took me maybe a day to feel comfortable with it, I am sure I was and am not anywhere near as good as Boar or Davey though, I changed to WFP for several reasons, the main ones were not being happy telling customers I was unable to do certain windows or I wouldn't be able to do a perfect job on some due to access issues and my knee is completely shagged and by the end of a day could hardly even drive the car home my knee hurt so bad (need an operation on it but the recovery time is like 8 bloody months, 2 of those with the leg locked dead straight, how the fook do I work???).

Now having done it I absolutely love WFP, for me I do a lot better job, quicker and safer, but I was no pro traditional so not a fair comparison.

I am looking on ebay tonight to buy a backpack

Not pure for now but been asked to do a lot of fascia and gutter jobs lately

Had a conny roof this afternoon which i started after doing windows in and out and ended up telling the woman to give me a week and I'll be back with something that will shift all the black spots all over the glass that won't budge

Now i just need advice what is best to use

Chemical wise

I will use tap water and squeegee it off after but will have to invest in ro at some point

Can i come out with one of you to learn?? /emoticons/wink.png

I am guaranteed to slow you down and lose you money lol

Can anyone give me a link to the best chemicals they use for cleaning ***** off a conny roof

Glass and pvc


Ha ha

That won't take the black sticky ***** off that i have been scrubbing with an abrasive applicator

Don't know if virosol or whatever is best

I have been approached by a Newbie wanting to learn the ins and outs of window cleaning and running a window cleaning business.
They have basically asked if they can come up to Nottingham for a week and work with me and my lad so they can learn traditional window cleaning, gutter cleaning and to boot they want me to teach them my canvassing and advertising techniques.

I'm not totally opposed to the idea, but my only concern is how much will that slow us up for the week?

My lad and I start early and go balls to the wall till all jobs are done for the day. Won't be able to work at full pace with a newbie tagging along having to check on their work and supervise and teach.

What qualifies me? This is the second round in 8 years I have built that turns over above £60k per year. I reckon that qualifies.

Thought's, suggestions? Would you train someone?
Depends I suppose, it'll be extra hands to if you think of it that way, also 60k nicely done, what is your canvassing technique? Lol

Depends I suppose, it'll be extra hands to if you think of it that way, also 60k nicely done, what is your canvassing technique? Lol
He turns up with a couple of tasty geezers with baseball bats and says you "do want your windows cleaned don't you?"

Well just ordered 5l of virosol and 5l of ubik to see which works best

Andnof course i ended up spending a fortune on bits i don't need

Got some moerman handles and applicator as well as i like the blue colour to go with the channels when i get some


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