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Dog attacks wee girl


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Prefer meat mate....
That is all meat. Meat is ‘animal flesh eaten as food’.
Anyway, I don’t know what you are worried about. You know how big the meat industry is? You seriously think they’re gonna shut it down, let alone in only 7 years!
What I see maybe happening is encouraging a more balanced diet. We eat far too much meat anyway. So eating less and using the less desirable’ cuts is the way forward. My family in Cyprus have dishes that use every part of an animal, not just the ‘prime’ cuts. Raising say a goat was expensive and so nothing was wasted!
That is all meat. Meat is ‘animal flesh eaten as food’.
Anyway, I don’t know what you are worried about. You know how big the meat industry is? You seriously think they’re gonna shut it down, let alone in only 7 years!
What I see maybe happening is encouraging a more balanced diet. We eat far too much meat anyway. So eating less and using the less desirable’ cuts is the way forward. My family in Cyprus have dishes that use every part of an animal, not just the ‘prime’ cuts. Raising say a goat was expensive and so nothing was wasted!
Even the boll-ocks as they used to make me gag when I used to feed them to our lab years ago ?
That’s what I said mate. The problem is policing it. I totally agree that having all dogs on a lead and muzzled is very harsh for the vast majority of good dog owners.
But what other alternative is there?
At least if they were all on a lead and muzzled then it would be easy to spot the ones that weren’t conforming and therefore target the policing to these owners.
It would have to be down to the general public to report.
There should be a dog police that's paid for via licencing and taxes on things like dog food. Any dog lover would not disagree with dog licensing.

If you want to own a dog you should be first checked to see if you're suitable, a bit like a DBS check and also a check of the home where the dog will live. Then they should do unannounced checks to the owners home once per year. It should also be a requirement to take your dog to the vets on set time scales. Failure to do any of the above means you cannot have a dog. Any homes inspected that they find the conditions are not suitable for a dog... they get the dog taken off them.

Job I've done today, piles of dog **** everywhere, kid comes home and I noticed has kicked one of the piles and more than likely walked it in the house. The inside of the house must be full of it from being walked in from the kids. If they were licensed and checked... owners like this wouldn't be allowed to have a dog.

Any owner that says dogs are fine with kids is living in cuckoo land. A dog is an animal, animals have animal instincts. Police dogs are well trained, I don't think anyone would disagree with that, they're trained to take orders. A female police officer got mauled by one not long ago, the dog had to be put down. If it can happen to trained professionals then I've got zero confidence that joe bloggs says his dog is fine with a kid and put's it next to a baby like someway of proving it... just plain idiotic. Just irresponsible. You cannot predict with absolute 100% certainty what a dog will do so why take the risk?
There should be a dog police that's paid for via licencing and taxes on things like dog food. Any dog lover would not disagree with dog licensing.

If you want to own a dog you should be first checked to see if you're suitable, a bit like a DBS check and also a check of the home where the dog will live. Then they should do unannounced checks to the owners home once per year. It should also be a requirement to take your dog to the vets on set time scales. Failure to do any of the above means you cannot have a dog. Any homes inspected that they find the conditions are not suitable for a dog... they get the dog taken off them.

Job I've done today, piles of dog **** everywhere, kid comes home and I noticed has kicked one of the piles and more than likely walked it in the house. The inside of the house must be full of it from being walked in from the kids. If they were licensed and checked... owners like this wouldn't be allowed to have a dog.

Any owner that says dogs are fine with kids is living in cuckoo land. A dog is an animal, animals have animal instincts. Police dogs are well trained, I don't think anyone would disagree with that, they're trained to take orders. A female police officer got mauled by one not long ago, the dog had to be put down. If it can happen to trained professionals then I've got zero confidence that joe bloggs says his dog is fine with a kid and put's it next to a baby like someway of proving it... just plain idiotic. Just irresponsible. You cannot predict with absolute 100% certainty what a dog will do so why take the risk?

I can predict it with 100% certainty because I have trained multiple dogs to a NASDU standard, all of them could have been police dogs in their own right. My current dog is trained to the same standard, minus the protection work. The example you have mentioned is the exception, not the rule. Plenty of dogs out there are absolutely fine with children in the house and you're delusional if you say otherwise. You throw out terms like 'idiotic', yet your opinion is based solely on things you've read, not experienced.

Now considering the majority of people out there have dogs and children, and dog attacks are still uncommon (although unfortunately becoming more frequent), I wonder what you've based your opinion on? Perhaps an article you've read somewhere?

Also, just to be clear I'd never leave my daughter with him unattended for a moment and that's not because I don't trust him, it's because I don't trust my daughter to not do something that could cause a reaction I.e pull his tail, put her finger in his eye, who knows? But thats just common sense.

That just shows the lock jaw effect and how useless it is trying anything but a sharp long knife plunged into the dogs side. The poor lad was literally alone for 30-40seconds being mailed before anyone could help. Can't imagine how he must feel or his parents. Heartbreaking. Luckily he lives but the traumatic effects will be long lived.

My sister lives by a park in Burbage in Leicestershire that must be used by hundreds of dog walkers a week and she's just text saying she's fearful with 2 young sons and a Week old baby. I just said it can happen anywhere and just be as vigilant as possible. Her driveway is literally 2m from an ungated entrance onto the park so a dog could easily run amok up to her front door. ?
Im not worried about eating bugs because I won't be eating them and I won't be eating every part of animals either. And I certainly won't be told what I can eat by any politician.
Even the boll-ocks as they used to make me gag when I used to feed them to our lab years ago ?
My mum (who is English) was at a wedding where she was recognised by the family (she was a guest of a guest). They wanted to thank her for coming and offered her half of the lamb’s brain. It’s a delicacy. Not wanting to be offence, she took a bite, before offering it to others at the table ?
There should be a dog police that's paid for via licencing and taxes on things like dog food. Any dog lover would not disagree with dog licensing.

If you want to own a dog you should be first checked to see if you're suitable, a bit like a DBS check and also a check of the home where the dog will live. Then they should do unannounced checks to the owners home once per year. It should also be a requirement to take your dog to the vets on set time scales. Failure to do any of the above means you cannot have a dog. Any homes inspected that they find the conditions are not suitable for a dog... they get the dog taken off them.

Job I've done today, piles of dog **** everywhere, kid comes home and I noticed has kicked one of the piles and more than likely walked it in the house. The inside of the house must be full of it from being walked in from the kids. If they were licensed and checked... owners like this wouldn't be allowed to have a dog.

Any owner that says dogs are fine with kids is living in cuckoo land. A dog is an animal, animals have animal instincts. Police dogs are well trained, I don't think anyone would disagree with that, they're trained to take orders. A female police officer got mauled by one not long ago, the dog had to be put down. If it can happen to trained professionals then I've got zero confidence that joe bloggs says his dog is fine with a kid and put's it next to a baby like someway of proving it... just plain idiotic. Just irresponsible. You cannot predict with absolute 100% certainty what a dog will do so why take the risk?

Police dogs are trained, trained to attack though. As cruel as this might sound, after they are retired from the police? Unless the police handler is willing to rehome the dog they should be destroyed. Dogs trained to attack shouldn't be getting put into joe publics hands after the dogs to old.

Dogs don't bite without showing warning signs previous though. It's very very rare a dog just attacks.
My mum (who is English) was at a wedding where she was recognised by the family (she was a guest of a guest). They wanted to thank her for coming and offered her half of the lamb’s brain. It’s a delicacy. Not wanting to be offence, she took a bite, before offering it to others at the table ?
:ROFLMAO:Just as well it wasn't a testicle ? they smell rank as well, although these were pigs testicles bought them once never again
There should be a dog police that's paid for via licencing and taxes on things like dog food. Any dog lover would not disagree with dog licensing.

If you want to own a dog you should be first checked to see if you're suitable, a bit like a DBS check and also a check of the home where the dog will live. Then they should do unannounced checks to the owners home once per year. It should also be a requirement to take your dog to the vets on set time scales. Failure to do any of the above means you cannot have a dog. Any homes inspected that they find the conditions are not suitable for a dog... they get the dog taken off them.

Job I've done today, piles of dog **** everywhere, kid comes home and I noticed has kicked one of the piles and more than likely walked it in the house. The inside of the house must be full of it from being walked in from the kids. If they were licensed and checked... owners like this wouldn't be allowed to have a dog.

Any owner that says dogs are fine with kids is living in cuckoo land. A dog is an animal, animals have animal instincts. Police dogs are well trained, I don't think anyone would disagree with that, they're trained to take orders. A female police officer got mauled by one not long ago, the dog had to be put down. If it can happen to trained professionals then I've got zero confidence that joe bloggs says his dog is fine with a kid and put's it next to a baby like someway of proving it... just plain idiotic. Just irresponsible. You cannot predict with absolute 100% certainty what a dog will do so why take the risk?

Police dogs are trained, trained to attack though. As cruel as this might sound, after they are retired from the police? Unless the police handler is willing to rehome the dog they should be destroyed. Dogs trained to attack shouldn't be getting put into joe publics hands after the dogs to old.

Dogs don't bite without showing warning signs previous though. It's very very rare a dog just attacks.
You need to understand dogs psychology before making nonsense statements like this
They are pack animals and consider you part of the pack and they would do anything to protect a pack member
I am the alpha in the pack and anyone I am ok with so are the dogs as that is how it works
However if someone was to attack one of the family they would protect them same as another human would protect their family
. It should also be a requirement to take your dog to the vets on set time scales. Failure to do any of the above means you cannot have a dog.
Seriously do you actually have a clue how dangerous the annual vaccinations are more so the lepto jab which is completely useless and has caused serious reactions over the years, vets will push this jab into a dog and it only stays in a dogs' system for 14 days but what's the chance of any dog drinking out of a puddle of water that a rat has piss-ed in about 0% this is complete boll=ocks,

our 12-year-old lab ain't been vaccinated for 8 years not a hope in hell anyone would get me to vaccinate my dogs, our little lurcher had her puppy jabs and that's it again no chance of ever getting her vaccinated again the vets don't ever bring it up otherwise they get told.

People are causing harm to their dogs on a daily basis with the :poop: dog food they feed their dogs the same or similar :poop: that vets push and endorse the vast majority of vets know about 1% about nutrition after a 1-day course of brainwashing by one of the biggest pet food manufacturer's who just so happen to give the veterinary colleges loads of money nowt dodgy going on there at all
You need to understand dogs psychology before making nonsense statements like this
They are pack animals and consider you part of the pack and they would do anything to protect a pack member
I am the alpha in the pack and anyone I am ok with so are the dogs as that is how it works
However if someone was to attack one of the family they would protect them same as another human would protect their family
Same in our house mate, our very stereotypical labrador has turned into a demonic dog in the past when my wife has been out walking him and a lone male out shooting has come walking up the track towards them, but we assume he had a bad experience before we rescued him as he definitely had been GunDog trained as he knew all the whistles and hand signals and used to stop dead when a pheasant flew up and watch it like he was waiting for it to shot
You need to understand dogs psychology before making nonsense statements like this
They are pack animals and consider you part of the pack and they would do anything to protect a pack member
I am the alpha in the pack and anyone I am ok with so are the dogs as that is how it works
However if someone was to attack one of the family they would protect them same as another human would protect their family

Not nonsense at all, my dog would run an absolute mile if I got attacked. As most dogs would. Unless trained to do it then it's very unlikely your dog will protect you or your home.

We have always had german sheperds, not one of them would do a thing if anyone walked in our house or attacked us.

Delivery drivers walk in and out the garden all the time for my neighbour, if my dogs in the garden he doesn't even move when they come in.
You need to understand dogs psychology before making nonsense statements like this
They are pack animals and consider you part of the pack and they would do anything to protect a pack member
I am the alpha in the pack and anyone I am ok with so are the dogs as that is how it works
However if someone was to attack one of the family they would protect them same as another human would protect their family

When they have tested dogs that haven't been trained for protection to see if they would protect there owner every single one has showed the majority do nothing when put in that situation. There isn't one single case where its been the other way about.
You need to understand dogs psychology before making nonsense statements like this
They are pack animals and consider you part of the pack and they would do anything to protect a pack member
I am the alpha in the pack and anyone I am ok with so are the dogs as that is how it works
However if someone was to attack one of the family they would protect them same as another human would protect their family

And as for pack animal comment, it's been accepted for ages by people who train dogs that domestic dogs don't have any pack mentality. It's been accepted for years. I might not know alot about alot of things. I know alot about dogs though.
I can predict it with 100% certainty because I have trained multiple dogs to a NASDU standard, all of them could have been police dogs in their own right.

Also, just to be clear I'd never leave my daughter with him unattended for a moment and that's not because I don't trust him, it's because I don't trust my daughter to not do something that could cause a reaction I.e pull his tail, put her finger in his eye, who knows? But thats just common sense.

Exactly, it's an animal and you cannot predict what will happen, whether you blame the animal or the person provoking the reaction, an animal doesn't know the difference between someone messing about or an attack or something that it's just got mixed up as being a threat.

I don't own a dog but I go walking with one every day that has to have a muzzle. You can't predict how they will react to certain situations. The muzzle is to stop those potential situations being a problem, it's being responsible with the dog.

I'm sure most of the babies that have been mauled by dogs the owners would say the dog wouldn't have harmed a fly and it was very 'unexpected'. I keep hearing on this thread about 'rare' occurrences. Rare doesn't mean 'never', just remember that.
When they have tested dogs that haven't been trained for protection to see if they would protect there owner every single one has showed the majority do nothing when put in that situation. There isn't one single case where its been the other way about.
I watched a video once. They tried it with three different dogs (so not conclusive at all). The lab & the shepherd both ran away when their owner was ‘attacked’. It was the wee Yorkie that stood its ground & went for them ?
I watched a video once. They tried it with three different dogs (so not conclusive at all). The lab & the shepherd both ran away when their owner was ‘attacked’. It was the wee Yorkie that stood its ground & went for them ?
I found the video! A few things:
It was a Lab & Pitbull cross, not a Shepherd. It’s a cheesy American news video, and in no way conclusive. But still a funny watch when it’s the two tiny dogs who go for the attacker ?
